Peter Pan x Reader - You Don't Know Me

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WARNING!!! - Mention of alcohol abuse, physical abuse, and suicidal tendencies. Do not read if that is a trigger.

    You had never been happier than the day you had been stolen from your own home in nothing but your tattered pajamas and dropped off on a mysterious island, later to be named Neverland.

    You loved fighting with the Lost Boys, it was better than fighting with your parents. You loved caring for the younger ones and their wounds, rather than the ones your family gave you. You enjoyed helping whenever you could around the island, instead of being forced into slavery by the beasts that created you. You even enjoyed their frightful leader, no matter how mean and cruel he could be because there was no way he could be worse than your parents.

    The night of your arrival, the boys threw a party for you. It was a bonfire, with music playing and the boys dancing. Surprisingly, you even dared to get up and dance with a lot of them. You played games and ate food, also having some time to relax and stargaze. But, no matter how great the island was, there was one thing you could not stand.

    The booze. The older kids had brought out all kinds of alcoholic beverages; vodka, tequila, wine, beer, daiquiris, pina colada's, martinis, everything. You didn't know where they got it, but the minute they did, you knew you wouldn't stick around long.

    They got it out after all of the little ones had gone to bed. You made sure of it too, going around the camp to make sure there were no little ones just sitting around somewhere. You couldn't bear to know a little kid was watching these drunk, older males partying and having their fun.

    Once you could tell that the boys were considerably drunk and that there were no little kids around, you went back to your own tent and zipped it up tightly. You tried to go to sleep, but the most you could do was doze off for ten or fifteen minutes before waking up with a jolt thinking that one of the boys had made their way back to your tent.

    You woke up incredibly exhausted the next morning, with most of the older ones thinking you had a hangover or something, even though they never saw you drink. And you never did. You could never stoop down to that level, oh no, not after the incidents.

    This happened at every party since then that they had on the island. You would stick around until all of the little ones had gone to sleep and then you would go to bed yourself. A few of your friends, like Felix and Devin, would always try to convince you to stick around, but you never would. You would go back to your tent for sleepless nights similar to the ones back home.

    The worst drunk out of all of them would always be Peter. He was a very loud drunk, and it gave his ego an extra boost that it definitely didn't need. He was even cockier and more self-centered, and on some nights, he would make it harder for you to leave. He would grab you, pulling you close to him as he whispered compliments in your ear, but you couldn't take it. The smell of liquor stank his every breath, and his actions sent horrible flashbacks. You would push him off and run, knowing he would never follow after you.

    After every encounter, you would get more and more pissed off at him, and it would cause you to be more and more irritable every day. You couldn't stand how he, or any of them, acted. And every night, you would get less and less sleep. At first, you thought it was a one-time thing, but it happened more often than you wanted it to on the island. You enjoyed every day on it, of course, but the nights were always a toss-up.

    Felix, being your best friend, had noticed the change in your attitude. He tried asking you about it, but you quickly shut him down anytime he brought it up. You were unwilling to talk about it with anybody, even if it was your best friend.

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