Tommy Clarke x Magic! Reader - Hidden Powers

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Warning - Mild Cursing!!

    You minded your own business when it happened. You were at your best friend, Tommy Clarke's house, lying on the couch with him when you started fuming with rage after your boyfriend dumped you. That was when it happened. The room began to move. No, you weren't just hallucinating as your eyes clouded over with rage and tears. You were making it move.

    Everything started rising. There was no more gravity in the room to hold everything down as it all floated around the room under your control. Except you couldn't control it. Tommy was confused, but he soon saw the connection between your outbursts and the increase of destruction.

    Finally, when you calmed down, everything was sat down where it was supposed to be. You looked over at Tommy with nothing but pure fear in your eyes. You knew how much he despised what you were, and the look of hatred in his eyes only confirmed it. You had become what he hated most; and Evo.

    Evo was the nickname given to any human with special powers, or "evolved humans." Everyone hated them, especially after the government had made it particularly aware of how "dangerous" they were. Tommy believed everything that was on the news about them, about every crime they committed. And now, you were on the receiving end of such an explosive rant.

    "What the hell was that?" he seethed.

    "W-what was w-what?" you stammered quietly.

    "What do you mean 'what was what'?! You just picked up my house!" he screamed lividly.

    "I-i-i didn't mean to..." you whispered as you tried to avoid his cold, dead eyes.

    "You didn't mean to do this?! How come you've never told me about this?! I thought we were friends!" he shouted.

    "You hated them...You would leave me, we both know it's true! " you said a bit louder.

    "Well, you got one thing right, sweetheart. But I hate them even more now. Get out of my house, and don't ever come back. If you're not out of here within ten seconds, then I'm calling the police and taking care of you myself," he all but growled at you. You gasped as you nodded before running out of the house and down your street. It hurt that you could have loved him so much, and now he was threatening to have you killed.

    When you finally got home, you yelled at your parents that he had found out and that you needed to leave now. And you did exactly that. You never saw the boy you had come to love ever since.

    Time Skip~

    That had been four years ago. You had been on the run ever since you left; you could never shake the police off of your trail. You guessed that Tommy had sold you out anyways. You weren't surprised, he had a thing for locking up Evos.

    You were now hiding in a secret place for evos in hiding. You had been there for a few weeks while you figured where you would go next. You never liked staying in one place long; it was always scary.

    You were walking to where they had breakfast when you saw a familiar face walk in. Tommy's. You gasped, he had infiltrated this place. You hid around the corner as you turned yourself invisible; a new power you had discovered a little while back. You watched as he turned the corner, and walked back to where you supposed his bunker was.

    You followed him and slipped in quickly behind him. You ran and promptly got on his bed, turning visible, so he knew you were there. When he saw you laying on his bed, the perfect picture of hatred, elegance, and beauty, you heard him gasp.

    "(Y-Y/N), I..." he trailed off before you started.

    "What are you doing here? Trying to sell these people out as you did me?" you yelled before walking over to him.

    "I-I'm so sorry for what I did that day, I should never have..." he trailed off.

    "Oh, so you did sell me out. That's great to know. Did you know my family and I have never been able to stop running? We have been running for four years since you turned us in. I can never sleep at night. I haven't slept well for the entire four years! And now you think I'm going to let you do that to these people, who already can't catch a break? You're crazy if you think that!" you growled, getting right up in his face.

    "R-really...? A-all because of me...?" he gasped. You only nodded.

    "All because of you."

    "(Y/N), I am so, so, so sorry... You don't realize how long I've been looking for you. I should never have reacted that way, and it only made it worse when I found..." he trailed off.

    "When you found what?" you spat.

    "This..." he trailed off, pulling out a very worn piece of paper.

    "What is it?" you growled.

    "A love letter you had written to me four years ago...I found it after I looked around your house after the police had searched it...I knew you meant every word, and I treated you so horribly..." he said softly. You gasped. You had never expected him to find that.

    "Well don't worry, those feelings died after we ran. You killed them," you spat, venom lacing your every word.

    "W-what?! C-can you forgive me, I love you!" he shouted.

    "How could you say that after you ruined my life?!" you growled at him, feeling parts of the room start to rise.

    "Because I'm an Evo too!" he shouted back. You looked at him confused.

    "What...?" you asked. You knew Tommy would never say something like that if it weren't right. He had hated them so much.

    He touched a pencil on one of the tables and made it disappear before your very eyes. "I'm an Evo."

    "When did you find this out...?" you asked slowly.

    "The day I found your note. I have been looking for you ever since," he smiled softly.

    "I...I don't know what to say..." you trailed off.

    "I do. I have been looking for you for four years. I love you, (Y/N). And I know that you may not want to forgive me so soon, or ever, but please just know that I am so sorry I did what I did to you. I want to make it right. I came to help you. I can teleport people. Your family could be safe again, with or without me. Just please, let me make this right," he spoke. You looked into his eyes, and you knew he meant every word.

    The cold, hard, dead look he had given you the last time had been replaced with the soft gentleness you had known from your childhood. You knew you could trust him, because he could never fake those eyes. So you nodded at him.

    "Go ahead. Make it right," you smiled softly before having the wind knocked out of you in the form of a hug.

    "Don't worry, darling, I will."

Yay, my first Tommy Clarke one shot! Don't worry, there will be plenty more on the way!

If you have a suggestion, idea, or request, leave a comment! Even if it's just a comment on something in the story, I LOVE getting them!

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