Robbie Kay x Reader - Christmas Eve

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(F/C/C) - Favorite Christmas Carol

(F/I) - Favorite Instrument

    Robbie couldn't wait for tonight. He had been planning this evening for the past two months; Christmas Eve. He wanted everything to be perfect; the right gift, the proper setting, the right cuddle afterward. Everything. He was just upset that he lost Christmas Day with you. You were going to see family out of state, and while he was invited to tag along, he, unfortunately, had shooting start the next day.

    Starting in November, he worked secretly with your family, even branching out to your cousins, and even aunts and uncles, when they came down for Thanksgiving. He wanted to know what to get you, getting a list of past presents and what had made your eyes light up the most.

    But now, almost two months later, he was ready to see your reaction to his gift.


    Robbie followed you and your family around everywhere, going through all of your Christmas traditions with you. He went with you to your grandmother's house, where you spent hours sitting around the house, snacking on food and opening small gifts. You asked him if he wanted to exchange your presents now, but he insisted that you wait until later.

    Then, he went to the Christmas Eve Service at your church, with his two sisters tagging along. He had brought them along to watch you perform, which was going to happen throughout the entire service. You were going to play (F/C/C) on the (F/I), and sing carols throughout with the choir. He was so excited, as he was every time you performed.

    Unfortunately for him, you sat in the first row, marked 'Performers Only.' You had to giggle at his pout as you told him, but you ushered him to the row right behind you to ease his pain after a short while.

    After the service and a very long line of congratulations on another satisfactory performance, you walked into your house for gifts. This was where the present exchange occurred. You smiled, opening your presents from your family and exchanging a few with them. Even Robbie got some presents from your parents, which took him by surprise.

    After opening a new set of Bath and Body Works lotion, bath bombs, and soap, you finally got to the good part. Exchanging presents between you and Robbie. You could see the excitement on his face as he pulled out a large box.

    "What could you have possibly gotten me that would need such a big box?" you asked, blushing. Your present wasn't nearly as big as Robbie's, and you started to worry about your gift.

    But, he chuckled at your response. "Just open it," he smirked, biting his lip to hold back laughter. But why he would need to do that, you didn't know.

    You pulled off the top, finding layer after layer of sheet of tissue paper in the box. This went on for five minutes! Five non-stop minutes of you are pulling out tissue paper, with you laughing nonstop. But finally, you reached the bottom.

    When you got there, you found a fluffy pair of new pajamas. You felt the fluff; you could've sworn that you were holding a cloud. You instantly brought it to your face, cuddling it as you enjoyed the new found softness.

    "Thank you, thank you, Robbie!" you cheered, jumping into his arms and encasing him in a huge embrace.

    "You're welcome, baby," he smiled, rubbing your back. "Do I get mine now?"

    "Of course!" you smiled, reaching behind your back and pulling out a DVD collection of all of the episodes from Heroes Reborn.

    "No...way..." Robbie trailed off, looking at the DVD set as if caught in a trance. You giggled at the sight.

    "I remember you were telling me that you didn't have the DVDs and that you wanted to watch them with me, so I found a set for you!" you cheered, pleased with your choice for a gift.

    Now it was Robbie's turn to thank you. "Thank you, thank you, thank you (Y/N)! I love it!" he smiled, hugging you in an almost tighter embrace than the one you gave him earlier.

    You giggled, excusing yourself to change into the pajamas he had given you. You couldn't stop feeling the fluff as you slid them on, and they felt even better on the inside. They were so soft and comfy that you felt like you were wearing a cloud. You could feel your eyes drooping already.

    You walked out with them on, and up to your room. Robbie had decided to stay the night, and after helping you pack for tomorrow, you climbed into bed with them.

    He rubbed your back, raking his own fingers through the fluff of your pajamas. You giggled as he gawked at the softness himself. You kissed his cheek, enjoying the hint of red that still tinted his cheeks whenever you did that.

    "I love the present, Robbie. Thank you so much," he smiled, resting your head on his chest as you slowly drifted off to sleep. The last thing you heard was Robbie's soft whisper.

    "Merry Christmas, baby girl."

Yay, two one-shots in one day! And yes, I know it isn't Christmas anymore. But I found this in my drafts from last Christmas, and I knew I couldn't wait anymore to write it. So please, no hate for the lateness!

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