Peter Pan x Reader - Breaking the Rules~

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Warning!!!!! - Insults ahead! If people insulting your body image or weight upsets you, do not read ahead!!!!

You had done it now. You had never seen Peter so mad at anyone, but especially not someone he loved as much as you. But he was angry, and you were going to pay for it.

What had you done that was so bad? Well, you had always been a little rebellious at home. You didn't take anything from anyone. If someone was brave enough to say something rude to you, you quickly put them in their place. You weren't afraid of anyone or anything, as your strength was enough to take down grown men if they dared even look at you wrong.

You were taking care of one of the younger Lost Boys who had gotten hurt when a group of older boys walked over to harass you, commenting rudely on your relationship with Peter and telling you to get back in your place as Mother and housewife. You knew who they were; they were the camp's most annoying troublemakers and cowards: Ryan, Mike, and Brandon.

Peter was on a special trip to Skull Island to visit his hourglass, and Felix had left earlier on a hunting trip. You sighed to yourself as you realized they wouldn't leave you alone unless one of the two leaders came back and forced them to, but neither planned to be back until nightfall.

They didn't accept Peter's decision to treat you like a real Lost Boy, and they were going to make sure you knew that. They insulted everything about you, including your clothes, your personality, your talents, even your hometown. You tried to ignore it and focus on the Lost Boy in front of you, who looked up at you pathetically from time to time as he heard to awful things they were saying, but you wanted to show him the best way to beat these pathetic boys; with silence.

You tuned them out until you heard one thing that you couldn't ignore. "Hey, fatty! I know you hear us! What, is the fat clogging your ears? Or is it just too much work for you to turn your fat neck around to even look at us?" Mike challenged you, his words cutting holes into your already shredded confidence.

"Man, boys, I just don't know how Pan stands her. He honestly has the fattest girlfriend in the entire world, she should be making money off of "My Six Hundred Pound Life" instead of being here on this island," Ryan added with a chuckle.

"I'd say Pan might be impressed with her chest, but there's nothing there. Maybe if she took some of her fat and added it there Pan wouldn't be so grouchy all of the time," Brandon chimed in with a smirk on his face.

You couldn't contain yourself anymore. They made fun of your two biggest insecurities and even blamed Peter's unhappiness on your worthlessness. You already loathed yourself for these reasons, but they made it even worse.

You emitted a low growl before turning around to face them, pulling your fist back and punching Brandon in the face with every ounce of strength you had.

Brandon fell to the ground with a yell, clutching his nose while trying to contain the crimson liquid that oozed from it. You leaped onto him, continuing your barrage of attacks. You hit anywhere you could reach, and you didn't stop for anything.

The other two boys rushed in to help their friend, but there was nothing they could do. You quickly pinned whoever tried to touch you, giving them the same treatment you gave Brandon. A large group formed around the four of you as you continued to beat the boys as savagely as you could, but you didn't care about spectators. Red fogged your vision, making it the only thing you could see as you made them pay for being as rude as they were.

"What's going on here?" you heard an all to familiar voice boom across the camp. The group quickly dispersed as the boys tried to distance themselves from the situation as their feared leader came into view. But there was nothing to hide the involvement of you and the three instigators; your knuckles were red raw and covered in blood that wasn't your own, while the boys bled and showed early signs of major bruising.

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