Peter Pan x Reader - The Underworld

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    You couldn't breathe as you walked farther and farther into the dull, colorless landscape of the Underworld. With each step you took, you knew you were getting closer and closer to your target, and you were beyond excited.

    But the one thing you couldn't stand about this trip was your crewmates; Emma, Snow, Charming, Henry, and Regina. You were down here with them on a rescue mission. They were here to save Killian and Rumple, but you were here for another reason.

    These were the cruel people who had killed the love of your life, Peter Pan. Sure, he had done some bad things, but moments before you had convinced him to surrender so that the two of you could go back to Neverland and be happy together. But, they killed him before he got the words out.

    And now they thought you were going to go with them to save Killian and Rumple, two people who very much wanted Pan dead and the one who killed him himself. They thought you were going to help, but you had different plans. Why help Emma get the love of her life back if she wasn't willing to get yours?

    So, you sat with the group inside the Underworld version of your headquarters; Snow's house. She had a piano there, so you were playing while the adults discussed strategy.

    You worked on the chords for a new song you were trying to learn. You had been working on it since before Peter had died, but you never could figure it out. You could never learn hard songs when you felt terrible, and after every day went by without seeing Peter, you only felt worse.

    Although, playing the piano was probably the worst thing for you to be doing. It alerted Hades, the ruler of the Underworld, to your position. And he needed you.

    Pan and Rumple had allied to get a deal out of Hades for Rumple, and a heart out of Zelena for Peter. Peter had already captured Zelena and was waiting for Hades to arrive for the deal.

    But, Hades knew you were there. He knew that you were the one thing Peter would drop everything for to save. And he was going to use it against Peter.

    That's when Hades busted into your hideout, scaring everyone and causing them to grab their weapons. You just looked up, hands hovering over the keys as you called for your fire.

    That's right; you had quite a bit of magic.

    Hades voice boomed throughout the room. "Where is (Y/N)? I need her for something."

    "What do you want with her? She's just a kid," Snow called out, moving towards you in a protective, motherly way. You glared at Hades, the fire in your hands growing the longer he annoyed you.

    "I'd cool off a little if I were you, girl,  I've played with fire a lot longer," he spoke to you, needing you calm for his plan to work.

    "I don't think that'll happen, Hades," Emma spoke up. You huffed; anything but the Savior rescuing you.

    "Well, if you guys want my help getting out of this place, you'd offer her up," he spoke with malice in his voice.

    They all groaned as they looked over at you. The heroes needed Hades help to get out of there, and you knew you would too. So with a huff, you walked over to Hades.

    "Fine, but let's make this quick..." you groaned. Hades smirked at you before making you both disappear.

    Time skip~

    You were now waiting in a dark room, tied to a medium-sized pole, complete with a blindfold and gag. You would have escaped if he hadn't attached the pole to a large lead bottom. So there you sat, treated like the prisoner you had always felt like since Pan's death.

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