Tommy Clarke x Reader - The Three Girls (Please Read!)

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Warning!! Valuable information at the bottom! Please read through the ENTIRE part!

Tommy's POV:

    I sat in the back of the classroom, staring blankly at the worksheet I was doing as my concentration wavered. The words made no sense as I continued to stare at them. And who is them, you may ask? The three girls.

    These three girls were unlike anyone this school had ever seen. Everyone else thought they were strange. They were always seen in their own little group; sometimes laughing like maniacs, other times silent in their own personal conversations.

    The three girls were very similar to each other. They all had glasses; and they were pretty similar in style. The colors of the frames differed, but other than that, they were pretty darn close. They were all quiet, only talking to each other and the teachers when need be. They immediately left every class together every day. When one was quiet, they all were quiet. When one was hurting, they all were. When one was happy, they all were happy. When one won, they all did.

    But they were all unique. When they were quiet, you could see their differences, what made them all unique. One would always sing. She had a song in her heart, and she was not afraid to let it go. She had a beautiful voice, and I could sit in a class and listen to it all day.

    Another one would always draw. You would never see her without a stack of blank paper and a pencil. Anime characters were her specialty. She would give the others their own drawing lessons now and then, and while they were decent, they could never compare to what she could do. And my goodness, if you ever let her borrow some paper. Let's just say, your stash of paper would never be the same again.

    And the last one. She would sit through a class in complete silence, except for the sound of her faint humming and tapping of her foot. Her foot would keep a steady tempo while she hummed whatever piece of music she had stuck in her head. Sometimes it was a song on the radio, sometimes a piano piece, at other times a part she played in band class. You could see her moving to the beat, her hands following the passion she felt. Not to mention whenever she would pull out a piece of paper to write her ideas down for whatever story she was working on then.

    The three of them were a piece of work, and because of that, no one ever wanted to talk to them. They kept their distance, which the three of them never seemed to mind. They would rather be in their own world than deal with the fakeness of these kids. I've never been more drawn to anyone I've ever met.

    If only I had known that these three would be just like me, and the piece I needed to get to my destiny.


Yay, I finally updated! Sorry for not updating in a while, everything has been crazy busy, and any free time I had went to working on my new 707 book, "Love Without A Price" (feel free to check it out).

Special thanks to Atsushi_In_Nanba and Christy6512 for being my inspiration for this part!!!

Also!!!! I was wondering if I should make this idea its own book!!! Vote in the comment section and let me know what you think! You can vote up until Friday, May 19th!

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