chapter 19: Training.

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Chapter 18: Training.


Okay first chapter of 3rd film. This one will not really be in anyones POV. I just do not think it'll work if I do it that way.

*Daughter of Wolverine*

No ones POV:

It is a war zone. Shots are being fired everywhere. Bobby jumps over a piece of wall as he avoids being blasted. Claire and David float after him. Kitty is just below Claire. Storm lands on the ground not too far.

Pietro and Rogue move so they can get some cover from behind a destroyed building. There is an explosion and debris flies everywhere. As some goes to hit Rogue Pietro turns to metal and places his hand on Rogues head so she does to. The metal bounces off of the two and hits the Logan who groans. He quickly heals as Charlene approaches.

Logan gives the two a look.

"The whole worlds going to hell and you just sit there?" He asks sarcastically with a cigar in his hand. "Let's go!"

The two follow Logan as he moves off.

The floating couple is trying to get to them when a huge piece of building comes flying at the two. Claire draws David into a hug and they are cocooned in a shield that breaks it in half and it falls to the ground.

"Thanks," David says as the two float down so they are with the other four.

Kitty and Bobby are going in another direction and Bobby ends up freezing something that is coming at them. As Kitty thanks him she as to share her power so they phase through another.

Rogue gets there just in time to see the two embracing. Claire walks up to Rogue as bobby thanks the brunette. Claire knows how hard it is for the two.

Logan uses flames from the hood of a car to light his cigar. Storm joins Logan at his side.

"We're getting killed out there," Storm informs Logan.

"Yeah I know," Logan agrees with her. "They're not ready storm!"

Storm gives him a look of displeasure.

Charlene walks forward.

"Logan," Storm says as she gets to her feet.

"Oh don't get your panties in a bunch," Logan replies.

Storm doesnt say anything. She just spins him out of the way before something hits him. Logan looks at his hand where his Cigar had been only seconds ago.

"That was my last Cigar," he says a little annoyed.

He moves forward and the two women try to reason with him.

"Logan!" Storm says to him.

He watches as a bus gets blasted into flames.

"It's getting closer!" Charlene points out.

"Come on!" Claire says wanting to get away from it. "Let's keep moving!"

"Hey tin man!" Logan says to colossus. "Come here!"

Colossus does as he is told and walks towards Logan.

"Hows your throwing arm?" Logan asks when he is close enough. He pulls out his claws.

Charlene and Storm are not happy when they realize what he is doing.

"Logan we work as a team," Storm reminds him.

"Yeah. Good luck with that," Logan says as Colossus steps to his side. "Throw me now!"

As Colossus begins to throw him Storm speaks up again. "Damn it Logan. Don't do this."

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