Chapter 15: Alkali lake.

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Chapter 15: Alkali lake.


Another chapter.

*Daughter of Wolverine*

Claire's POV:

Mystique is going into the spillway pretending to be my dad. The rest of us are waiting for her to tell us we can go in. I am nervous but I know that I need to help rescue my uncle.

"I'm in!!" Mystique finally says and we all look at each other.

"She's good," dad says as we prepare to leave.

"You have no idea," Magneto replies walking forwards.

We make it into the room where she will be waiting. There are guards which mum, Jean and I take care of. Mystique is sat down at the controls.

"Have you found it?" Magneto asks her as we enter the room.

"A large portion of the energy from the dam is being directed to this chamber," Mystique informs all of us.

"Cerebro," mum suggests.

"Can you shut it down from here?" Storm asks in a hopeful tone.

"No," Mystique says bluntly.

Magneto tries to make a move towards it.

"Not without us," Jean says and I nod in agreement.

Magneto doesn't look happy at this idea. Storm steps forward suddenly.

"The children," she says.

I turn to see what she is looking at. Some of the mutants from our school are locked in a room together.

"Kurt will you come with me?" Storm asks the teleporter besides her. "Where are they?"

As Mystique tells her I notice my dad moving over to look at Stryker on the monitors.

"We'll go and find Scott and the professor," Jean says motioning to the two of us.

Storm looked hesitant to agree. "Will you two be all right without us?"

"Yeah," Jean says placing a hand on my shoulder. "We'll be fine."

Storm nods. Then she looks around and turns to me. "Where's Logan and Charlene?"

I look around as well and see that they are both gone. And they're com's are still here with us. I frown.

"They're gone," I say to the others.

I know exactly where my dad has gone and my mum as probably followed him for safety reasons. They knew I'd be safe with the others.

Magneto, Mystique, Jean and I are walking towards the chamber where they are holding my uncle. Jean begins to look uncomfortable and I wonder what is wrong with her. She then shoves the two people in front of us to the ground. Then I see why.

Cyclops and another mutant are approaching us. The other is a male as well. I float in the air and look at the young male stood in front of me besides Cyclops.

He is also floating but he has huge black wings on his back. He is also raising a bunch of metal bars at us. He doesn't seem to be himself and he is obviously very powerful. He's here to bring us down.

"GO!!" Jean tells the other two.

I hear them say something and then they take off.

I glance at Jean and she nods. I raise a shield and go running forwards defending us both from the metal that is coming at us. Then Jean uses her telepathy to send them both flying.

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