Chapter 14

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Antilia's pov

When we got home that night Anthony would not stop smiling.
"Baby Ant!!! Did you see that?!!" He yelled, "She kissed me!!! She said she likes me!!! Me!!! I mean I don't know how or why it's me but it is!!!"
"I know!!! I was there!!!" I replied with the same excitement, "and how could she not like you. You're amazing!!"
"Awww, thanks." He replied, "Now you need to go to bed, there's school tomorrow."
"Ok good night Ant!!" I said rushing to my room, I was wayyyy to tired to argue.
"Good night!!" He said still extremely happy with himself.

The next morning.......

I woke up by myself this morning, as Anthony was knocked out in sleep in his room.
"Ant I'm leaving!!!" I called out to him as I left him in deep sleep.
I heard a groan as I left. Guessing he heard me.

When I got to Jaden's apartment, Paisley was there early.... again.
"Hi!!!" Said paisley in her happy self
"Hey!" I said smiling at her
"Hi," I heard Jaden mumble, making a crooked smile,
"Hey?" I said skeptical, but still smiling
"Come on let's go!!!" Said Paisley, "Ant, you will not believe how horrible my day is going." She began but my mind wandered of as we walked to school.

"....and yeah, that's how horrible my day went," said Paisley finally finished as I snapped back into reality
"Awww, no way!!!" I said lying, "well, time for school now so bye!!!" I said as we approached the school and I went into the building. Damn that girl can talk.

I went math, my first period and Sat next to Tyler at the back.
"Hey," he said smiling at me,
"Hi, " I said smiling back
"What's new?" He asked, trying to start a conversation
"Nothing much, " I replied, "you?"
"Same," he said, starting moments of awkwardness between us. Thankfully the bell rang and class was starting.
"Good morning class!" Our math teacher said.
"Good morning, Mrs. Klein." We all responded in unison.
"Before we start class today, the headmaster has a few announcements," she said as our headmaster popping in the doorway. He thinks he's funny
"Good morning class," he says
"Good morning Mr. Stafford,"
"In just two weeks, you all, will be having. Your Fall Ball!!!" He said taking soooo many pauses. Some people cheered, while others, like Tyler and I, groaned.
"We will be looking forward to that time, so in order to prepare, you all will be skipping PE, to have dance lessons with the lovely vice principal, Mrs. Cologne.
Now everyone groaned, except for the goody two shoes; Eleanor, Jane, and Mary. They always tried to be Mr. Stafford's favorites, so there was no surprise.

Time skip to dance practice because school is boooooorrrrinnnggg

"Oh my gosh I can't wait for dance!!!" Says Paisley jumping up and down
"I can see," I say, "so who are you going to dance with?" I said nudging her
"Ummmm I don't know, I'll just pick randomly." She replied
"Ok...." I said as we entered the gym.
I quickly rushed to stand next to Mitchell, being quite sure Tommy will dance with her. Cause, there's been some chemistry in science class with them, if you know what I mean.
I really didn't care who stood next to me, and I didn't have any choice because most of the boys are late, and Paisley, cause she's fixing her hair.
When all the boys came in, Jaden walked over to me. I was secretly doing my snoopy happy dance in my head because Paisley wasn't here yet. Tommy, stood next to Mitchell and I could see her blush. While Eleanor, Miss Goody Two Shoes stood in front without a partner.
Mrs. Cologne, seeing the rest of the boys huddling in the back, gave them partners, and lucky Eleanor, she got her crush, Jacob.
We learnt the waltz and the jitterbug, two extremely old dances that no one does anymore. I enjoyed it actually, and Jaden was surprisingly a very good dancer. Eleanor and Jacob who were in front of me, were doing it well too, but every time Eleanor turned away, Jacob would look back at us and roll his eyes. He hated Eleanor!! I don't blame him. Every time this happened I couldn't help but giggle a bit, and Jaden seemed to notice
"Your laugh is so cute," Jaden whispered in my ear while we were dancing
"I- um - er-uh-" I said stuttering. Why now? Why!!? "Thankyou," I managed to get out, completely embarrassed.
"Sure," he said with a smile that could make angels swoon.
"You're a really good dancer," I said to him while we were doing the waltz.
"Um- uh-I -Thanks!" He stuttered
Mitchell and Tommy danced flawlessly in the jitterbug, but completely failed the waltz. They couldn't stop laughing together, even when they messed up. Ship.
Paisley was dancing with a guy I didn't know, but just like the over achiever she always is, she made the guy do it right. Usually the guy leads these types of dances, but Paisley was clearly in control
"Thankyou all for cooperating with me on your very first dace class," said Mrs.Cologne as she turned off the music, "May I just say, Jaden and Antilia are so graceful and work extremely well together. Tommy and Mitchell, you have the playful attitude of the jitterbug but try to be more serious when doing the waltz. And Paisley and Ben, I like your seriousness, but I think you could try to be a little more relaxed. You all are dismissed, till next time." She said as we all rushed out of that hell.

Luckily, it was time to go home.
"Hey!" Said Mitchell catching up to me.
"A couple friends are coming over to my house for a sleepover, you wanna come? And you can bring your friend, Paisley."
"Cool! I'll ask Ant if I can come."
"Ant?" She asked
"He's kinda like my brother, his name is Anthony."
"Ohhhhh. Ok, I'll send you my address."
"Cool, thanks!" I said walking towards Paisley and Jaden
"Hey guys," I said interrupting their conversation (heh, such a savage)
"Hey" they both said as we started to walk home.
"Paisley, Mitchell invited us to a sleepover at her house, you coming?"
"Yea! I'll just ask Pippa," she replied.
We walked in silence until we got to the apartment. Well I did, but Paisley can never keep her mouth shut, so Jaden listened to her babbling.

"Hey Ant, " I said walking into the apartment
"Hey baby Ant," he said sitting on the couch.
"Can I go to a friend's sleepover?" I asked him
"Which friend, girl or boy?"
"Mitchell?? I don't want you going over to a boy's house, so no!!!" He said
"Chill, Mitchell is a girl," I said showing him her picture
"Looks legit," he said nodding
"Because it is!!" I replied, "so can I go?!?"
"Have you finished your homework?" He asked
"Yeah, I did it in class,"
"Why?!? It's HOME work," he said emphasizing the home
"So I don't have to do it at home, duh?" I replied
"Fine, you can go, but no boys!!!" He said
"Or drugs!! Or alcohol, or guns or-"
"I get it ant, I'll be good for once," I said rolling my eyes

I went to my room to pack and stole Ant's sleeping bag, and I was ready
"Ant," I said meeting him on the couch, "I may need a ride,"
"Uhhhh, I have to get up," he groaned, "do you wanna take the motorcycle?" (Let's assume Ant has a motorcycle)
"Umm, yeah!!!" I said as we both headed downstairs. I quickly sent Paisley the address, and she said she would be there later.

After like Ten minutes we arrived at a huge house. Ant and I went to the door and pressed the bell.
"Oh my god," said Mitchell answering the door, "Anthony Ramos, THE Anthony Ramos is your brother."
"I guess," I said, "He adopted me, but he's basically my brother,"
"This may sound weird but, can I get a hug?"
"I like her," Ant said to me while he gave her a hug.
"I like you too," she said
"What?" Said Anthony
"What?" Said Mitchell making this a weird conversation
"Bye Ant!!! I said shooing him
"Bye!! Don't do drugs!!" He yelled as he mounted the motorcycle
"No promises!!" I yelled back as he zoomed off
"Come on let's go!" I said to a star stuck Mitchell.
"Yeah, let's get this party started!" She yelled as we walking in the building.

Authors note: HI GUYYSSSSSSSS WASSSUUPPPP. I hope u enjoyed this chapter, I'm sorry, I won't be able to post next week cause I have exams🙄 sooo rip me. Anywayyyyyyy I have an idea for a grofflin chapter but its kinda sad. If u don't know what the waltz or jitterbug is, there r videos at the top

Thats waltz

Also, Maplefang  made my day with this

There r sooo many more comments, but it legit made my day so Thankyou!!! Maplefang Question of the day: what kind of school do u go to? (Home school, public school, private, university, chartered/magnet school, or for some reason you are still in ...

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There r sooo many more comments, but it legit made my day so Thankyou!!! Maplefang
Question of the day: what kind of school do u go to? (Home school, public school, private, university, chartered/magnet school, or for some reason you are still in preschool/ daycare, or out of school cause ur done with that shit)
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