Chapter 11

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Anthony's Pov
As we finished the showI smiled to myself about how much I loved my life. I loved every thing about it, and every person in it.

"Hey Ant," said Jasmine behind me
"Hi, good job today," I smiled at her
"Yeah you too," she replied, "everyone's going to play truth or dare now, you wanna come?"
"Of course!! I love games!" I said as I jumped up and down.
"Ok, lemme get on your back," she said as I hoisted her up and went to the stage where every one was.
"OoooooOooooOooo," said Jonathan as we got there
"Shut up and let's play," said Jasmine as she got down and sat next to me.
"I'll go first," said Oak, "Daveed, truth or dare,"
"I dare you to twerk on Renee," Oak said as Daveed went over and did his dare
"Sorry honey," said Daveed when he was done, "I know you want mor but I'm taken," he said as he blew a kiss to her as she was laughing hysterically.
"Ok my turn," said Daveed, "Thayne truth, dare or electric chair (electric chair means either truth or dare)
"Electric chair," said thayne
"Ok," said Daveed with a devilish look," Dare. I dare you to give me all the cookies you have in a 10 foot radius of here."
"What!!! No!!!! I'm gonna die without my cookies!!!"
"A dare is a dare," said Daveed
"Fine," said Thayne as he collected a pile of hundreds of cookies hidden in the theatre.
"Now my turn" said Thayne, "Truth or Dare, Lin,"
"Uhhhhh Dareeeee," said Lin groaning
"Hehehehe," said Thayne, " I dare you to make out with....... Pippa."
"Oh no," said lin
"Oh yes," said Jasmine and I.
Lin leaned in to kiss a blushing Pippa, and she leaned in too. Before we all know it, he's gripping on her waist and her arms are around his neck and this becomes a heated makeout session. Is anyone timing this? Someone needs to be timing this.
"Can I ask a question?" Said Oak causing them to stop.
"Shut up Oak!!! Let them Finish!!!" Said Jasmine
"Well we're done now," said Lin scratching the back of his neck
"Ok, back to my question. I know you guys have a short kiss in helpless, but I swear it seems like you've done that before!!!" Exclaimed Oak
"Shit," muttered Lin. I could hear him but I don't think anyone else could
"Ok!!" Shouted Lin desperately trying to change the subject, "Jasmine, Truth dare or electric chair,"
"Electric chair," said Jazzy
"Ok then, Miss Jones, truth, if you were to date annnnyyyyyboodddddyyyy in this room, who would it be?"
Oh no, I'm about ready to get my heart crushed. Or maybe.... no, it'll never be me.
"Well ummmm I don't know, Daveed cause he's hot."
I knew it. Shit. I feel tears. Why am I crying? Why? I knew it wasn't going to be me. I need to get out of here. I send myself a text on my phone so the ding sound comes.
"Oh shoot, I gotta go, a-Antilia n-needs m-me," I say stuttering
"Do you want me to come with you? " ask Jazzy
"N-no I'm good," I say as I rush out of the room.

Jasmine Pov
As the game went on I couldn't stop thinking about Ant. I know he texted himself, I taught him that trick. Wait, was it my fault? Oh no oh no oh no, it was!! When I said I would date Daveed!! What was I supposed to do? Tell everyone i like Ant? No way. I decided to do the same thing Ant did and text myself so I could leave. I headed straight to Ant's hiding place aka Thayne's largest cookie stash and saw Anthony, sitting on the floor with his head in between his knees.

"Ant," I say walking over to him," what's wrong?"
"What? nothing." He says lifting his head up
"Were you..." I say seeing his tears
"What? Umm yeah my dog.... died"
"Ant, you're dog had died more times than I can count, whats wrong?"
"Nothing I swear," he says again
"Omg Ant just tell me!!!" I burst
"No!!! You just leave me alone!! Why won't you ever leave me alone!! You're like a leech that feeds of my misery!! Anytime I'm even a bit sad, I see you!! You NEVER leave me alone. Why don't you ever leave me alone!!! If you want to date Daveed go annoy him !!! Please, just answer my question!!! Why won't you ever leave me alone!?!"
"Because I like you!!" I blurt out. Oh. My. God. Did I just say that? "I like you, " I whisper
"Really? Cause that's kind of hard to believe, I mean you just said you wanted Daveed not-"
"Enough about Daveed," I say interrupting him, "I lied ok? I was scared to say I wanted to date the person who I've had a crush on ever since you moved in to the apartment above me. And I guess I was right. I knew I shouldn't let anyone know." I said as I walked away,
"Jasmine, wait!!" I heard Anthony call me, but I just wanted to stay home with the one thing I knew would never leave me; Ice cream.

When I got home I noticed Jaden wasn't there and the lights were turned off. I assumed he had gone to bed so I took my beloved tub of ice cream and went to my room. As I was about to open the cover, I see some familiar writing on the top and it said,
"Anthony; the boy next door :) well technically upstairs, but still;)"
I usually would laugh at that, but I just threw the cover on the floor and cried into my ice cream. I think just I lost one of my best friends.

Authors Note: Hi guyyyyssss I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! If y'all r crying cause of Janthony, don't worry that's what ur supposed to do. Bhahahhahah im a mean person, for now. Anyyywwayyyyy I saw Beauty and the Beast yesterday, the play mind you, even though I've seen it soooo many times. It was sooo good!!! Thankyou for the support!!!

Annddddd question of the day: who is your Otp in the Hamilton cast ex Janthony, Lippa, DaveedxRenee, JonathanxLin etc etc etc etc
Mine is...... Janthony, Lippa, Jin and others I haven't noticed yet(sorry I'm not good at making decisions- see? This is why I suck at life)
Ok bye!!!! Don't forget to LIKE!!! COMMENT!!! FOLLOW!! AND STUFF!! BYE!!!!!!

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