Chapter 3

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Anthony's Pov

I wake up to a phone vibrating. Jaden, Jasmine's adopted son was calling her. Jasmine was sleeping like an angel on my shoulder and I didn't want to wake her up, so I carefully set her head on a pillow and left the room, answering the phone.

"Hey, Jaden"
"Hey, Ant, is Jasmine with you? Cause it's like 12 o'clock. You know that right?
"Oh! Umm yeah, I knew that, Jazzy just ummm, fell asleep on Antilia's new bed."
"Oh! I forgot to tell you, I'm adopting her."
"Her?" He said with nervousness in his voice
"Yeah, her" I laughed , "you really need to chill, she's actually pretty cool and a lot like me."
"Oh ok then. I guess I'll look forward to meeting her and the other girl Pippa is adopting." He said with just a little bit of sarcasm.
"We're gonna pick her up tomorrow, wanna come?"
"Yeah, why not."
"Cool!! K bye, man"
"Bye, Ant"
And with that the phone call ended and I returned to Antilia's new room. Since Jazzy was lying down, I went and lied down beside her. Looking at her sleeping face while I too, drifted off to sleep.

I woke up to someone stroking my hair. I bolted up just to realize it was Jazzy.
"Chill, dude" she said laughing
"Sorry," I smiled, "I didn't know it was you, I only let certain people touch my hair"
"Ummm ok? Weirdo"
"Says the weirdest of them all. By the way, Jaden is coming to pick Antilia, and after that, we have a show. I love dying in front of people. Twice!!!" I said making her laugh
"And I love being a slut in front of millions of people." She said making me laugh
" Well I think you're an excellent slut," I said patting her head
"And I think you're better as a dead man," she said grabbing my wrist, "Never, touch a black girl's hair. You hear me?" She said twisting my wrist.
"Ok ok!! I'm sorry!!!" I squealed making her let go of my wrist and laugh as the doorbell rang.
"Seriously don't do it," she said running to open the door.
"Hi Pippa" I said running up to the door as well
"Hey Ant!! Why do you guys never get ready on time???" She said seeing our bed hair
"Hey, I just woke up!!!" Jazzy and I said together.
"Yeah, whatever, just get ready," she said dragging Jasmine out of my room, "I'll be back!! So don't close that door"
"Yeah whatever" I said to an already gone Pippa.

Jasmine's Pov

I noticed Pippa wiggling her eyebrows at me.
"What?" I said knowing what was coming next,
"Sooooo, " she said, "how was decorating" emphasizing decorating
"Nothing happened I swear!!! I just fell asleep and so did he cause we were really tired and-
"Do you like him?" Pippa said cutting me off, "Cause if you do-"
"I do not like him," I said, blatantly lying. I could never let anyone know I like him.
"Ok," said Pippa, "whatever you say, Now go get ready!!! I'll be back in ten minutes.&
"Ten minutes!!! I don't have hair like you ok?"
" Braids are your friends, now hurry up" she said

After 15 minutes I had finished. Cause I'm a rebel. I left my apartment and headed to Ant's apartment. I saw the door was open so I walked in finding a Pippa and Ant, watching Paw Patrol.
"Finally, you're done!!" Said Pippa turning of the tv. "Come on let's go! Ant you're driving and oh wait! Jaden's coming too. Jaz, go get him.
"Yes, sir" I said

"Jaden!!" I called as I got to my apartment. "Comes on let's go!"
"Coming," he said as he came out.
We walked outside where Pippa and Ant were waiting.
"Since I got to the car first, I get the front seat"
"Jasmine, you can have my front seat if you want," he said, smiling. I'm not sure if he was trying to be cute or he just tried to get out of driving.
"Awwww, so sweet, nah I'm good," I said as I got into the backseat with Jaden and we were headed for the orphanage.

Anthony's pov

Once we got there, I hopped out of the car and headed for the door. I was so excited to see Antilia again, and to take her home.
"Come on Jaden, do you wanna come with me?"
"Yeah, sure" he said still a little nervous
We walked in the building together followed by Pippa and Jazzy and headed to a weird lobby room that we were supposed to pick the kids up.
In less than two minutes, two girls came in. One with a backpack, guitar safe and an another bag. The other one with a backpack, violin case and another bag. I walked over to the girl with the guitar case, knowing that was Antilia.
"Hi, Ant!" I said hugging her
"Hi!" She said hugging back, "I'm so excited!"
"Me too!" I said, "oh, um this is Jaden. Jasmine adopted him a couple of years ago."

Adopted by Anthony RamosWhere stories live. Discover now