Chapter 10

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Antilia's Pov
I woke up to a light shaking and turned around to see that it was Anthony.
"Hey, Baby Ant," he said as I opened my eyes
"Hey," I said back
"Sooo, there's school today, I'm not gonna force you to go, but if you-"
"I'll go!" I said interrupting him, "I don't want people to know what happened,"
"Ok, but ummm people are still gonna, kinda, figure out something happened," said Anthony
"I'll just say I ran into a pole, no one talked to me anyway,"
"Ok, Do you want me to drive you?"
"No I'll walk with Jaden and Paisley,"
"Ok, go get ready" he said as I got ready, wearing a long sleeve shirt with jeans. I'm gonna be sweating like crazy today, but it'll be worth it.
"Bye Ant," I said leaving once I had gotten dressed,
"Bye!!" He said hugging me
I knocked on Pippa's door to pick up Paisley
"Hi, Ant!" Said Pippa opening the door
"Hey! Is Paisley ready?"
"Awww, nooo, she's sick today, fever," I wasn't surprised, Paisley got sick ALOT. Or just faked it.
"Ok then, thanks Pippa! Tell her I said get better!"
"Of course!" Said Pippa shutting the door as I walked downstairs and saw Jaden waiting for me.
"Hey," he said looking up from his deep thought
"Hi," I replied, "soooo, Paisley is sick,"
"Awww that sucks," he says, "come on, I don't want to be late,"
"Ok ok, I'm coming" I said as we both headed out the door.

Jaden's Pov
Yes!!! Paisley's gone!! I can talk to Ant! About.... Oh no I don't have anything to talk about! What am I gonna do!
"So about last night," I said as her head shot up, making eye contact with me. Oh great!!! You hadddd to bring up last night didn't you. I am officially the king of awkward.
"Yea, what about it?" She said I we continued to walks to school. I don't know, you tell me?!?
"Oh nothing, it was nice I guess," yes!!! I said something good!! Wait was it??? It was horrible. Oh no oh no ohh no.
"Yea, it's a beautiful view,"
"Cause the only room with a view is a room with you in it."
"What?" She said. Wait, Did I just say that out loud!!?!?! Oh no ohh no ohh no
"You said something what did you say?" She persisted
"Oh song lyric, of a song.... that.., you..... don't know!!!" I said flustered. Nice going, you've made things now extremely awkward. Just then an idea popped into my head
I know!!!
"Since you like heights so much, you wanna come with me, I can show you some more."
"Umm, sure!!"
"They're best at night, so you wanna sneak out again?"
"I'd love to," she said smiling as we arrived at school.
Wait, what? Did she say yes?!?! Score!!!! I do my snoopy happy dance in my head as I headed to my first class.

Antilia's Pov
At least I'll have something to look forward to today. Sneaking out with him is fun, I love hi-    it!! I love it!! I like sneaking out!!
I got to math and sat in the back like yesterday. Guess who sat next to me? The one and only .... Tyler.
"Hey," he said as I ignored him
"I'm sorry," he continued," I'm sorry for not believing you, I'm sorry for saying you're a psycho and you were expelled from your old school."
"Sorry?" I said finally looking at him, " I can't believe you,"
"What?" He said,
"I can't believe you didn't believe me. I met Mitchell less than two hours ago and she believed me. You did more than just take his side. You called me a psycho, a murderer, and who knows what else. I don't know if I can even trust you if you don't trust me." And with that our teacher came in.
About halfway into the class, Tyler passed me a note.
Tyler: Meet me behind the school at break
Me: this better be worth it
Tyler: I hope it'll be enough

Then we all went to history, second period.
I was anxious waiting, for break. Even though I didn't trust him, I still liked him. It hurt when he called me those things, but I might still give him a second chance.
Once history was over, I stood up and left to behind the school to see Tyler leaning on the wall with a bag in his hand.
"Hi, " he said when he saw I had come.
"Get to it," I said not wanting to feel anything just yet
"Well, once I convinced myself that a beautiful, independent, honest, smart, lovely-"
"Get to it I said," I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks. Luckily, my Nigerian-Latina skin never turns pink.
"Lovely girl like you would never try to kill Adam, I snuck out of my bedroom that night, and scanned the park for anything that could convince the cops you were innocent, and I found this," he said raising the backpack to me
"Adam Rodriguez," I said reading it
"Open it," he said as I opened it.
And there was a collection of weapons that Adam possessed, guns , knives and blades alike.
"And," Tyler continued, "he has a collection of cuisineart knives that are complete except one, the one he used on your arm."
"Oh my gosh, Tyler "
"I'm sorry a-again for-" I cut him off by hugging him and wrapping my legs around his wait. I saw his face turn red but he smiled at me as I went to class.
After that, my day was perfect.

School had finished before I knew it and no one even noticed my black eye.
"Hey, ant" said Tyler running up to me, "You wanna play soccer today after school? Just me, I promise,"
"Yeah sure, but can you help me do my homework. I kinda.... fell asleep in every subject?" I said as he chuckled
"Yeah, I noticed. Sure!" He said as we walked to my house.
"Hey," said Jaden walking up to us,"
"Hey," said Tyler and I at the same time.
Jaden's Pov
Ant and Tyler talked about soccer all the way home. I don't even know that much about soccer? Who the heck is Rooney? I just trailed behind them as they talked, I felt invisible. But that's not new. The way she smiled when she looked at him, I want to make her smile like that. Have I lost her?

"Bye, Jaden," she said as her and Tyler walked up to her apartment.
"Bye, " I replied, still not looking up from the ground .
"Hey Jay," said Jasmine as I walked into our apartment l
"Hey Jas,"
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing," I said, still looking down
"Seriously," she said walking up to me, "tell me,"
"I... ummmm got a bad grade at school,"
"Mhm.. " she said in a unbelieving tone, "Well, we have a show tonight so I'll be leaving soon,"
"Ok," I said
"I love you, " she said to me
"I love you too," I replied, but I wished the 'love' had come from someone else.

Antilia's pov
"Hey Ant," I said walking into our apartment with Tyler
"Hey, baby Ant," he replied, "who's baby ant's friend?" He asked
"Oh this is is Tyler," I say
"Hello Mr. Ramos, umm sir," Tyler says stiff
"Hey, man. Don't call me mister or sir. Ok? I'm 25." Ant chuckles, "I honestly don't care what you guys are planning to do, make out for all I care, just don't touch my stuff" Tyler and I blushed of embarrassment,
"Exactly what I say when jasmine comes over," I say under my breath as I grab Tyler's hand and run into my room.
"Soo, what do you wanna do first ?" I ask as we both sit on my bed
"I don't know, Math?" He says
"Ok, so we're supposed to use the textbook." I say,
"It seems I forgot mine, " says Tyler, "can I share with you?"
"Yea, sure." I said as we both leaned over the book.

Tyler's Pov
As we did our homework, I couldn't help but look at her. The way her beautiful curly hair covered her face as she wrote calculations. The way she read the problems with such an angelic tone. It's amazing. She's amazing. I barely got anything done before Anthony came in clearing his throat. I quickly stoped staring at her and buried my head into the math book, hoping Anthony didn't see what just happened.
"Well you guys are boring," said Ant, "homework? That's it?"
"Shut up ant," said Antilia looking up from her work
"Well I'm going to the show now so bye." Said Anthony
"Bye," said Antilia and I at the same time as Ant closed the door and left.
"I'm done with homework," said Antilia closing the book, "come on lets go," she said grabbing my hand again.

"One on one?" She said when we got there
"You're on," I said, "And you're going down,"
"Shut up and loose quick will ya," she said as we started playing. It was amazing, she was amazing. The way she dribble, shot, ran, was breathtaking. Kinda sad she won tho, but it was totally worth it.
"You wanna get ice cream?" She said after we finished playing.
"Yeah," I said.
When we walked to the ice cream truck, she.... held.... my..... hand..... She held my hand!!!! I couldn't help but blush as we got to the truck.
"Two, vanilla cones please," I said to the ice cream dude
"Here you go," he said
"Thankyou," I said as I paid.

Jaden's pov (I'm sorry for changing povs every two seconds)
I finished my homework early today so I decided to go for a walk in the park. As soon as I got there I wish I hadn't gone. I saw Ant, with, Tyler. They were on a table, eating ice cream and laughing. No biggie. Or so I thought before he leaned in to kiss her. And she kissed back!! Looking at them was like torture, I had to leave, so I started running back home. I knew she was too good for me. I knew I would never be good enough.

Authors Note: Hiiii guyssssss. I'm so sorry I haven't been posting in a while, I had a science fair project and other stuff that I had procrastinated until the last minute. I just had a soccer game and we took our first L of the season 😢. Sorry I haven't put much Janthony in this book, I prob will next chapter and maybe Lippa idk. I'll do another shoutout chapter soon too, but idk when. Don't forget to VOTE!!! COMMENT!!! FOLLOW ME AND OTHER GOOD STUFF!!! Also, Thankyou soo(😏) much for over 600 reads Anne over 60 votes!!! I really appreciate it!!!

Question of the day(idea by csilv26 's book "satsfied" it's really good)
Which of Pippa's roles most suit you? (Natasha- Natasha, Pierre and the great comet of 1812, Eliza- if you don't know where this is from, we have a problem, or Amelie- from Amelie )
Bye!!!! (Yooooo 1812 words)

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