Chapter 13:New faces

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Heeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy hope u like it :)

Chapter 13:

Justin's P.O.V.:

I knew she was here by her scent. It was unique. I am a vampire so of course I'd smell her. I raced up the stairs to see Nick and Adam standing by her bedside. She layed there silently, still asleep. Her golden brown curls spilled onto the pillow.

"She's here." Said Adam matterof factly. What was the asian's problem? I heard her small breaths and it took all of me to control myself. "Yeah don't rape her yet Justin," Nick said.

He was kind of right..... Her eyes opened suddenly and she looked scared. I wanted to tell her it was okay but I said nothing.

"Hey Ally!!!" Nick said and she gave him a look like he was crazy. Why did werewolves have to be so outfront. I knew it was just a matter of time before someone took her heart but I decided to talk to her later on that subject.

"Look, we took you because you don't belong there. You belong with us. We're good guys and we're here to protect you. I know you don't remember us but I'm a good friend of your Grandmother. I'm Adam, I'm also a sorcerer. This is my son Nick, he's a werewolf so beware on full moons. He's still learning to control himself. And this is Justin. He's a vampire. So watchout because he likes you too." I gave him a dirty look and he merely just raised an eyebrow.

Alex's P.O.V.:

Wow now I was kidnapped again??? What is up with this? I looked around the small bedroom. Adam had short black hair and dark eyes.

Nick, also the same but he looked spanish and his hair was a bit longer. Justin was the opposite of them. He had short light brown hair and hazel eyes. He was definately American. He was probably my favourite.... If that was possible.

They all walked out of the room. "If your hungry the kitchen is fully stocked and downstairs," Adam said and left. A couple minutes after they left I got up and walked into the hall.

The next thing I know that kid Justin pushed me up against the wall and tried to kiss me. I was shocked and just stood there not moving. I finally gave up and let him kiss me. Then I knew I had had enough. I tried to peel him offof me but he only got closer.

He was dragging me towards the bedroom when I heard footsteps come up the stairs. It was Adam and someone new...

They pried Justin off of me and pushed him down a different hall. "F*** you!!!!" He called back to them. Adam gave him a stern look and dragged him by the ear down the hall.

"THanks for saving me." I said to the stranger. He was tall and had light brown hair. I smiled at him and he smiled back. "My name's Bo," he said," I'm Nick's friend. Strange that we are because I do hunt and kill vampire's and werewolves to make sure their population doesn't get too high."

"Oh I'm-" He cut me off. "I know who you are Alexandria." He patted me on the shoulder and walked off. I felt like someone had slapped me in the face then gave me a $100. I was so confused. How the hell did he know my name????

I walked down the stairs only to see JUstin climbing up them. When he passed me he whispered,"I'll see you later." While moving his eyebrows. I just rolled my eyes and walked away.

This was going to be interesting.........

seriously guyyss!!!!! comment and vote and fan and watevr!! haha but I wanna make a good story but wanna know what yu say about it!!!!!! ;) :)


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