Chapter 6: Just a day at the beach

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  • Dedicado a Alexis Gladden

Chapter 6:

In the morning I woke up feeling refreshed and fine. But then I remembered how Tebi had tried to kill me.... and that made my day a bit less optimistic. But then I remembered Drake... and that made me smile.

I went to my closet and put on jean short shorts and a neon pink tanktop. I wore a pair of tan sandals with jewels all over them. I didnt wear anymake up and straightened my hair. I looked actually naturally beautiful.

I walked out of my room only to run into Charlie. "I'm so sorry." I said hididng my embarressment.

"Oh no it's okay..." He said sounding distant he was looking around. Maybe for something... or someone.. "What's the matter? Who are you looking for?" I asked him sounding concerned. "It doesn't matter Shane's waiting downstairs." After he said that he immediately ran off. What was his problem.

Shane met me at the bottom of the stair case and smiled kindly. It was kind of like a smirk though.... He reminded me most of Draco Malfoy. The hot slytherin in Harry Potter. But today wasn't about Harry Potter. It was about getting to know Shane.

I returned his smile and ran up to him. He immediately held me close and brought his lips to mine. I laughed and pushed him away.

"Isn't that a bit.... early?" I asked as politely as I could. "No, I dont think so." He smiled and took my hand. He insisted we ran so I did.

We ran out of the castle grounds and into the streets. Except this time we ran a different way, towards the beach. I forgot to wear a bathing suit and as soon as I said that he handed me a bright purple bikini. I went over to the bathrooms and quickly changed.

I walked out to see him standing in the sun waiting for me. He was as gorgeous as ever and he really did have a six-pack. His bleach blonde hair looked perfect blowing in the sea breeze.

I wonder if he looked at me the same way...

He had set up a cute little picnic in the sand. The sand felt soft and smooth under my bare feet and there were whole shells lying on the shore line. Not even postcard pictures looked as nice.

He patted the spot on the blanket next to him and I sat down. It was such a beautiful day. He handed me an ice cold lemonade and a hotdog. He got a hotdog and what I wanted to think was strawberry lemonade....

When we had finished splasing around in the ocean we started to leave. He said that he didn't have to clean it up because someone else would and that this was his personal private beach that he owned. It was my first time actually going to the beach and I had a grand time.

Right before we left he kissed me. It would have been a perfect picture. The sun setting behind us and the ocean the purest of blue. It seemed like hours but it really wasn't it was just.... perfect. But I couldn't stop thinking about Drake.....

.....and Tebi.....



:) <3 -ALEX

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