Chapter 10: Guilty Pains

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Drake's P.O.V.:

I feel so sorry for Alex... Tebi has been nothing but horrible to her.... Wait until she finds out the guy she's destined with.... I know he's really happy already.

I feel... something in the bottom of.. of.. my heart.. it's painful. It.. it aches.. for..for.. her...... I was feeling all these new feelings since she got back here.

But I can't break my deed.

I just wish I could rehearse her memory. It'd help everything make sense. Wouldn't it?

Alex's P.O.V.:

Last night was spent crying into my pillow.

I shook my head reassuringly and stripped and got into the shower. A few of the boys had cancelled on their dates so I was stuck for the next four days with Drake. I mean I liked Shane and all but... there was just something different about him that I felt so attached to him..

like we were meant for each other... I probably sounded crazy but I really didn't care. I was determined to make this good. I walked into my closet and picked out a cute, above the knee, strappless dress. It was a black colour with neon pink paint splatters all over it. I wore a pair of black heels to match. Today I was told to dress up. I wondered what was planned.

I went into the bathroom once again. I used the black and grey eyeshadow and made a smokey eye pattern on my eyelids. For lipstick I applied a heavy yet lovely shade of red. I walked out only to see Shiloh standing there waiting.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Miss Alexandria!" She said quickly. I kind of felt bad for her, I mean she wasn't treated the BEST but she still was treated alright. I wondered how she could smile that long. Her cheeks were plump, but in a cute way and she had freckles too. But she was very pretty.

"Prince Drake is waiting downstairs. And he would like me to inform you that there is a ball going on tomorrow night he would love to meet you in the courtyard at precisely 12:00pm, midnight. You can tell him your answer downstairs." She left the room, her bright smile still lingering in the atmosphere.

I made my way down the stairs only to be greeted by Drake. "Wow," he said looking me up and down,"You look amazing." He said with a charming smile. His teeth were perfectly straight and white. He was just totally perfect. He wore a black suit with black shoes. I was still curious on where we were going.

"I know you are curious on where we are going today," he said,"And in preparation for the ball tomorrow, and since it is a requirement, I thought we could take dance lessons." He flashed me with another award winning smile. He was so irresistible I couldn't help smiling back.

I barely noticed until I looked down that we were holding hands and our fingers were intertwined. He led me to the ballroom where we were alone. He led me to the middle of the room, snapped his fingers and the music started.

It was perfect old fashioned music and by old fashioned I mean like the ballroom dancing before upbeat music. I felt so graceful as he led me in his arms. I felt perfect... and that I knew how to do all of this. I decided to move a little quicker and add some spice into the dance.

I moved my body so that it would barely brush his and then slip back out and I would twirl. He caught on quickly and added to our steps.

We moved to the beat. And when the music halted I wrapped my leg around him and when it started again He spun both of us back to our dancing positions. We probably danced for what seemed like hours and hours. We took a break and sat on the ground and ate when Shiloh brought us dinner. WE ate light. Nothing to heavy or else it would be hard to dance after.

When we finished we both got up and continued practice. It was completely magical. It was everything a girl could dream of. A perfect boy. A perfect outfit. A perfect place.

A perfect dance. We moved in sync until finally the music ended. He swung me down like how they do in movies and kissed me. He kissed me so passionately.

I kissed him back the same way. He stood us up and he leaned me up  against a nearby wall. His fingers were tangled in my curls and mine were grasping his face.

He felt as if he had a fresh shave. He was so.. perfect!! He wasn't possessive or rude or anything he was a complete gentlemen. I felt like I knew him. From somewhere. And that's when I realised I loved him. So much more than anything on earth. I loved this gorgeous, sexy, electric green-eyed, black glossy haired boy. I loved him from the bottom of the oceans to the Heavens.

That's when he pulled away from my grip and held my face in his hands. "I love you," he said. He wasn't faking at all. His eyes looked lovingly into mine. "I love you, too."

He was all I could think about. The only thing I needed. Drake.......

Hope ye luved it! I seriously wanna hear ur comments!!! Who's ur favorite characters and ur pairs?? I want you guys to help pick out the dates she has!!! So plzzz comment and vote :D <3

love ya!


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