part 46: captured ||

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She woke up , because the door of their prison opened. The man from yesterday (she guessed that it was the next day) came in followed by another.'Stand up' she stood up. Tony as well with the still sleeping thali In his arms. 'Thank you isaac' the man in black nodded and walked out, shutting the door behind him. the man stepped out of he shadows. 'Adam?!' 'Hello my dear.' 'Why are you here?! Why are we here?!!' 'I dont know why you are here but I am here because i got orders to tell your little American about our month in tel-Aviv.' Tony gave her a questioning look. 'Adam...' 'Ill give you too a little time to talk, while me and my friends take a we will let the child watch.'

Adam walked out. 'Ziva? Whats going on? What happened in the month in tel-Aviv?' She looked at him and saw the worry in his eyes. 'Tony... Please dont be mad but.. as I arrived in tel-aviv I went out with adam and we.. "book up" ' 'hook up' 'whatever. I just wanted to forget the whole thinf woth you. Dont be mad at me. Please.' Tears began to stream down her face and tony wrapped his thali-frre arm around her. 'Zi.. I am not mad at you. We weren't together at that point. Okay?' 'Okay' he kissed her, carefully not to hurt her bruised lip. Thali stirred. 'Ima? Its over?' She took her from tony and the toddler nuzzeled her nose into her neck. 'No ahava, not yet. Soon men will come and do a few things. I want you to close your eyes, when I say it okay? Dont open them till I tell you to do it. Got it?' 'Get it.' 'Good sweetie. When I allow you to open your eyes again, Everything will be fine. Everything.

is this... okay? I read a lot of fan fictions on tumblr  and and when I compare this srories with mine... I feel like a xhild who wants to draw a good pic but all the other kid's are better....

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