part 20: you like it

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'What do you have for us?' She asked him with a smile. 'Pizza ala dinozzo. With double cheese and meatballs' ziva giggled and kissed him. He could see in the corner of his eyes that thali looked at them with a dropped jaw and big eyes. 'Abba? Do ya love ima gain!?' She asked excitingly. 'I never didn't love her.' Ziva giggled and kissed his cheek. 'So we're a famly now?' He and ziva looked at each other. 'Yes' the said unisono. Suddenly thali had a huge smile on her face. 'Come on tataleh lets eat. Abba needs to go to work again in a few.'ziva said and began to eat. After thali and ziva had finished both of them kissed his cheek. 'That was delicious Tony. Thanks' 'tanks abba!' Thali exclaimed. 'No problem my princess. I need to go. See you' he kissed thalis forehead and gave ziva a passionate pack on the lips. 'Bye!!' His girls said in union.

He hurried to his desk. Gibbs wasn't there but mcgee. 'And? How is thali?' 'Better' 'and ziva?' He needed to smile as he thought about her. 'Fine. Why do you ask?' Mcgee shrugged. In this moment gibbs walked in. 'Hey boss...uhm.. would you care if I would go at 6?' He asked quickly hopefully gibbs would say yes. 'You have a sick child dinozzo. Of course you can' he smiled and gibbs walked out again. 'You like it.' 'I like what?' 'The father thing. And ziva. So you two are..' he cut mcgee off. 'First of all mcchildless I am not a father. I am an Abba. And second .... yes we are together' he began to smile again.

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