Chapter 7: aching, swollen and blue

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I'm in the hospital. Nick, my brother and my mum by my side after the terrible accident. Let me start from the beginning. The beginning of the whole accident. We were organising everything for the Brighton trip in the car on the way there, we scheduled everything possible. We planned castle trips for nick, beach trips for me, the peir for tom and shopping for my mum. It was already shaping up to be perfect. But it wasn't. We started at the castle and it was actually really nice. We looked in the gift shop learned some facts that we would forget the next day but all in all was ok, until we walking towards the exit. There's stairs leading into the exit, we were half way down them when a loud screech echoed the hall. I turned to see what it was and slipped on the stairs, tumbling to the bottom of the museum. The ambulance were called and while in the ambulance, they said I had done something awful to my knee and my wrist. The whole way Nick blamed himself for making us go to the museum while they drugged me so I couldn't understand anything.

Once we finally got to the hospital I was taken to get an x ray and came out with a fractured wrist and a broken, dislocated knee. We all were gutted, apart from me of curse because I didn't know what was happening. They were confused so did a scan on my head to find a large tumor. Nick, Tom and my mum looked at it crying. Trying not to burst into loud, piercing tears. They did an operation on my head to try remove it, they were although successful. But still I wasn't able to leave the hospital for at least two months. All of my family plus nick booked a hotel for two extra months to stay with me while I'm in intensive care. Nick says it was the worst days of his life, not being with me and not being able to see me everyday.

It was one of the worst experiences I had ever had. Everyday I'd have to do knee exercises and remembering classes to make sure I hadn't done anything to damage my head. The doctors and nurses came in all the time and disturbed me as I tried to do something personal. One time I was trying to get changed the nurse suddenly decided to change my bed sheets. It was so embarrassing and awkward, she said "oh ignore me please! I just need to change the bedding". I laughed and sat there trying to cover myself with my shirt. The only good thing about it all was that wherever I went or whatever I was doing, I got to wear pajamas. Not once did I put jeans or leggings or anything on. Just the freedom of wearing pajamas. But I hated spending my 15th birthday in hospital, it was proabaly mg worst birthday ever!

I got 5 presents and didn't get to eat a cake because the doctors said it was too early to eat something that filling. So I sat in the room with my family and nick while talking and it was although fun nothing compared to my other birthdays. Nick bought me a plane ticket to anywhere I wanted and whenever I wanted to go which was amazing! My brother bought me a bag of Maltesers and surprised me with the Apple Watch when we got home. My mum bought me an iMac but I didn't know about until nearly 4 months after my birthday! I couldn't wait to get out of the hospital in two more months.

2 months later they let me go home despite the fact that I still had a large bump on my head and slight brain damage. They told me to wait outside the house as they brought everything in and slowly prompt me through the door to find presents, banners and all of my family and all my so called "friends". Even Sam was there...

He said he gave his wishes and that he really needed to go to his rugby match. He kissed me on the cheek like he used to do and flew out the door, nick looked rather mad and intimidated. We all sat down as I opened the gifts to find all sorts of amazing things. A rose gold Apple Watch, a waterproof cast and so on. It was one of the most amazing times of my life. Seeing people I thought didn't care actually care about me, buy me things and even say good luck to me. Nick kissed me on the lips and left to see his family that he hasn't seen since we left to Brighton in the first place.

The after effect of my injury, I'm not gonna lie, we're awful. They filled with pain, regret and actual torture. My knee pained the most, everytime I'd move even a tiny bit my knee decided to have a panic attack and ache like mad. It was horrible, I couldn't imagine living a life filled with this much pain. I couldn't imagine it because I was living it, and for extra pain my worst and my head ached like mad all day and all night. I'm glad I left the hospital when I did because if I hadn't my hunger for the outside would burst.

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