Chapter 6: karinas revolution

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Karina. You couldn't of waited at least 2 weeks after Stacey got with my boyfriend to get with my brother, could you? So it took Stacey a week to get with my ex and then the next day karina got with my brother. My brother is in year 11 and I'm in year 10. We're really close and he was really close to sam- not after we broke up. He couldn't face him and he was so mad. Karina kept saying she hated sam so my brother instantly loved her, my brothers really easy to get with as you can tell. But karina the way you treated me after this was awful. I'd ask if someone was free and you'd say 'I've never free for you' and then show up at my house to see if my brothers home. I'd say "wow that was pretty bitchy" and she'd be like "like you then huh?" Or "remember what you did it maggy?" And the thing is she brings things up that have nothing to do with her. That have nothing remotely or possible include her in. But she has to make herself part of it, of course.

Karina and my brother are still dating and have been dating for nearly 11 months. My brother considers her a nice person but the cut on my forehead is because she threw me into a fridge face first. When he asked me what happened, karina turned around and said "she ran into the fridge". She covers anything she's done up and makes it into a perfect little lie. I hate her. I really hate her. You'd think I could forgive her because after all she's my brothers girlfriend, but I can't forgive her what she did last summer at camp. (Yes I went to camp. I was forced)

It was June 26th, we had all gone on a quick hike to get to the river where we were going to do some races. On the way there, karina decided it would be funny to push me into a poison ivy bush. It was very funny wasn't it karina? I went to the nurse and came back to do races with the rest of the camp. Karina was at the other end of the river as I swam, when I reached her she dunked my head only the deeps of the water until I was about to give up. But sadly, a camp leader came and took me inside to ask me what happened and why you were doing this. I didn't answer I sat here and nodded my head. Because all I could think of was what if I actually drown? What if it could be all over and done with? How amazing would it all be?


It was late at night and was about to sleep after revising for science when I heard karina's voice echo through the halls. She was walking to my brothers room, drunk. My brother kissed her passionately and took her into his room and for the rest of the night I covered my ears trying not to hear to sound of the bed rocking, the panting, the moans and the loud sexual calls like "harder!!". It was one of the worst nights of my life and I'll never ever forget the first time my brother did it with karina. I still find it strange how every year 11 dates a year 10. Like sam and Stacey or my brother and karina. I always wondered why my brother, tom, went for someone in his year or someone older. Why someone younger? What was so pleasing about the popular girls of year 10? Was it that hey got to torment me and fuck with my head? If so they really are amazing at it.

On New Years night, tom and I went to a family's party with our parents. Tom brought karina and brought nick, nick and I had started dating and had been for around 3 months. Ok new year we went to the top of the roof and counted down the last 10 seconds of 2016. Once we all had shouted happy new year, nick grabbed me and pulled me into a massive passionate kiss and whispered "I love you and can't wait for another year with you". Slowly, tears rolled down my cheek and thought "I'm crying because I'm so drunk or because I love him?" And of course I love nick. I love him so much, but I was really drunk that night and we had only been dating for 3 months so I wasn't ready for commitment. It's now march 2017 and me and nick have been dating 6 amazing months. Karina and Tom broke up a few weeks ago after nearly 18 months. I've never seen Tom so happy after a breakup. I thought it was hilarious.

So karina had finally stopped coming to my house and now nick has taken that position. Minus the karina part of it, of course. For our 6 month anniversary nick got me chocolate, flowers and a pandora necklace. I wear the necklace everyday and have to flowers in my room, I water them everyday. He said that he's never been as happy as he is with me and to be honest I did love tony and sam but nick is much more than them. I've never experienced love so great. I love you, nick. Please don't be like the rest nad I'm begging you. 

So, my life in this period of time has never been better. I've experienced amazing things and learned new skills. I made progress in my love life and loved every single second of it. Thank you nick for being such an amazing boyfriend and showing me hat anything you put your heart to, is possible. Ok, now I'm down with the motivation. 

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