Chapter Seven

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Thanks for the suggestions and please poopytoot do not suggest things like that even though it made my day, also read gone insane and thank you all for reading my story, ok cupcakes enjoy ;D -kitty

Luke (golden) pov.

When percy and annabeth got back, percy told me that he was telling his dad, via mind message, who he was. 

mind message is so we can communicate during battle. He also told me to meet annabeth at the statue for the avengers tour.

 when I got there annabeth was explaning what happened to percy. thor was smiling at the heros story 

"his storys are told all over asgard, from the minotour, to his last fight with medusa, he was a hero and now the commander's storys are being told it is quite interesting on how simalar the two heros are," said thor. 

"hello thor odenson, hows asgard?" I said.

 "Ah lu-golden good to see you friend are the rest here as well? asgard is well my friend, I am sorry I almost told your identity." 

 "wait you know their identitys?" tony asked. 

"yes i do, they trusted me with that infirmation long ago, I am the only one that knows in all of asgard!" he anwsered.

 "oh annabeth some of the team would like to reveal themselves at the campfire." i told her. 

"I should leave you guys to the tour our tents always open, see you later." I said and then walked away to finish unpacking.

~~~~~~1 hour later~~~~~~

I was playing flappy bird on my chaos tablet, we got those so we could keep up with the modern world. Right when I was about to beat my high score, the diner horn blew.

 I got mad and threw the tablet across my room, but it did not break due to a charm we put on them. Anyway when I got to the dining puvilion i looked around I guess camp had changed a bit because everyone could sit wherever they wanted, I spotted percy at a table with the avengers and the rest if the team. 

when i got there i saw the weirdest thing thor's plate was filled with poptarts and percy's hood was down but his mask was still on and he changed how he looked he changed his hair to a brown color. 

"so storm golden told me that some of your warriors are revealing themselves, are you going to?" annabeth asked. 

"no i am not i still do not want people to know who i am." percy replyed.

 "but you have your hood off right now?! so letting people see your hair does not bother you?" she argued.

 Percy smirked "how do you know this is my real hair color, watch." he told her. He began rapidly changing his hair color finally landing on black for a split second but he turned it back to the brown. annabeth looked stunned.

 "wha- how-huh" was her inteligent responce. The laughing at her inteligent comeback was interrupted be an arrow flying at percy and sticking its self firmly in his shoulder. he fell off the bench from the shock of the sudden attack. i looked at the source and there stood... murphy.

Hey hope you cupcakes like the backstab or more like shoulderarrow, idk. in gym today i had to run for six minutes, i hate gym grr ;D here is a tip cupcakes running:BAD reading:GOOD bye bye see ya cupcakes next update;) -Kitty

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