Chapter One: An Unfortunate Encounter

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Hi It me again :) Before we get to the goods i just want to say that you can tell the difference between the old chapters and the edited ones by the new chapter titles. onto the show

"Wait so it was pink this time?"

"Yes, and I don't care how much the Aphrodite cabin complimented it. I'm going to kill those two."

We were on our way back to camp in the back of the van. Nico's dead dude Chauffeur was driving, and if he found our conversation amusing, he didn't show it. We had paint remover and some black paint that Nico had picked out at our feet.

"Wait, Percy, we left camp, got to the store, picked out paint, and you weren't sure what color they painted it until now?" Grover asked with a confused look on his face.



"Okay Grover I'm sorry for not paying a little bit more attention," I sighed, "I just have a lot on my mind I guess."

"Is it Murphy again?" Nico asked, "I just don't get why everyone likes him, I can't explain it but he just gives off really weird vibes."

Murphy is a new camper, son of Hypnos. Annabeth and I were the first two to meet him, he's a few years older than the usual new camper. I asked him how he managed to stay hidden for so long, but he kinda shrugged me off and just said he had been traveling for a while. He tried flirting with Annabeth, which was gross to me cause we are both a few years older than him. She just ignored him and I figured that she could handle herself so I didn't intervene.

The first time Nico met him was after the Stolls painted his cabin for the first time. When Nico threatened them with bodily harm, they just took it as a challenge. Anyway, Nico, Murphy, and I had been sent to get more paint and stuff, it went alright. Murphy spent the entire time bragging about all of the girls that he talks to and whatever. I thought it was annoying and Nico just looked really disinterested. On the way back when we got to the hill there had been some monsters waiting.

Once we spotted them and they spotted us, Murphy ran behind us and hid behind a bush. Nico and I went at them, it wasn't too bad since there weren't too many. But by the time I struck down what seemed to be the last one I didn't see Nico anymore. When I turned to find him I only came to face Murphy. I was about to ask him where Nico was when he used a club to knock me out. When I woke up again, Murphy was bragging saying that he was the one who saved our butts and took out the army of monsters. Nico and I tried to set the story straight but no one believed us. Chiron even scolded us for "trying to take credit for someone else's actions''. I thought it was really weird, Chiron would never do something like that and he had this  look on his face when he said it. It was kinda like it was someone else's face.

"Yeah, I get what you mean, I've seen what he looks like in training, and he is in no way skilled enough to take down as many monsters as he claimed," Grover added. He believed us when we told him what happened, "I've talked to the Nymphs about him and they stay away from him because of something similar."

We moved onto different topics after that. It didn't take long for us to get back to camp. We waved Nico's Chauffeur goodbye and made our way up the hill.

"Hey Grover, if there are monsters waiting for us, please do not knock us out and take credit," I said kinda giving him a shove, "I don't think I can handle another headache right now."

Nico and Grover laughed and Grover mimed hitting me over the head and evil laughing. Once we got closer to the big house Nico and Grover stopped in their tracks.

"Oh my gods."

"What in the heck is she thinking."

"Guys what are you-" I looked over towards the Big House porch and saw Annabeth kissing the human trash bag himself, Murphy.

Betrayed and Hunted (Percy Jackson and Avengers) ((editing :D))Where stories live. Discover now