A Busy Day

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Marinette woke up on her bed and yawned. 'Yesterday's dream was weird. . .' she thought out loud. "I wouldn't say it was a dream." Said a male voice. Marinette's eyes widened and she covered her mouth. Adrien's head perked up from behind the chaise. "What were you doing on my floor?" She asked. "I fell over while I was sleeping in such a tight space." He answered. "Rich boy isn't used to sleeping in small spaces, is he." She mocked him. "It's not like that! Have you ever even tried sleeping on this chaise!?" He asked. "Indeed I have." She replied. He rolled his eyes. Marinette got up and went down the stairs, towards the kitchen. She picked up an apple and bit into it as Adrien descended down the stairs. Apple juice rolled down the sides of her mouth but she slurped them back up. Adrien walked up to her and said "Where is the refrigerator?" And she answered by simply pointing her thumb behind her. He walked over to the refrigerator and opened the door. She looked at him, arms crossed. Marinette cleared her throat and began tapping here foot, impatiently.
Adrien turned around and groaned. "Oh what now? What's princess unhappy with?" He said, seemingly annoyed. "Who's house is this, exactly?" She questioned. "Yours. . . ?" He answered, unsure of his answer. "Precisely. Which is why you should ask if you want to do something like this." She stated. "So. . . You're saying that if I need to go to the toilet. . . I should ask you. . .?" He said, clearly sarcastic. "No. I'm saying if you want to take my food and digest it, you need permission." She said. "Okay. . . Whatever. . ." He said with a rather careless face. " Can I get some food?" He asked. "Okay." She answered, taking another bite afterwards. "Oh and. . . Today, I'm making apple pie in the afternoon. I have a really busy day today." She said. "How come? It's the weekend." He said. "Well, unlike you I have things to do. Do you want to come, stay home or have completely different things to do?" She asked. "That sounds like an exam question. We aren't doing IGCSE's anyway." He said, trying not to laugh at her ridiculous yet exam like question. "What will your answer be?" She asked. "I think I'll come. But can you just tell me where we are going in the first place? I'm curious." He said. "You'll see when we get there." She said, looking rather ambitious and suspicious. They both ran upstairs brushed their teeth at the same time in her bath room and then ran over to change. Marinette grabbed her clothes and ran into the bathroom before Adrien and began to change. Adrien noticed her sprinting to the bathroom and tried to get there before her but his so called Cat-like-reflexes didn't work this time. So he had to change in her room instead. He had taken off his clothes when Marinette came out, fully dressed and she saw him in nothing but his black boxers. She screamed and ran back into the bathroom and locked her self in there. "What the hell Adrien? You could have waited!" She exclaimed. "I know but like, we could have gotten there faster if we change at the same time!" He said. "Whatever." She said. "Just tell me when you're done okay?" She asked. "Okay!" She heard his voice call back. After sitting about five minutes in the bathroom she got tired. "Are you done yet?! It's been five damn minutes dude! Listen if you're going to change like that everyday, next time use the bathroom!" She practically yelled. "Okay. But I was finished 5 minutes ago. . ." He trailed off. "What?!" She yelled as she opened the door. She found him sitting on her bed, scrolling on his phone. "Idiot." She muttered. "Sorry, didn't catch that." He said. "Idiot!" She said with anger in her voice and grabbed a pillow and hit him with it. "Wow. Dude. Chill! What are we? Twelve year old girls at a slumber party?" He said, trying to lighten her mood. And let me say this: It wasn't working out very well. She gritted her teeth and then stormed down stairs. He simply rolled his eyes and shoved his phone into his pocket and ran down after her. He saw her already closing the apartment door but he didn't let that happen. He put his foot in between the space between the door frame and the door itself. She rolled her eyes and let go of the door and ran down the stairs, into her bakery. "Oh c'mon!" He groaned. He followed her down the stairs and out the bakery. She stood at the bus stop and he ran towards her. He had finally reached her. Panting, he entered the bus that had stopped at the bus stop. Marinette following close behind. . .

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