Apology Accepted

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"And there you go guys..." Said Marinette's parents as they signed their paper slips. "Thank you, sir!" Said Adrien. "Call me Tom." Said Tom. "Oh okay!" Said Adrien as he stuffed the paper into his bag and walked out of the apartment with Marinette.
"Are you excited?" Asked Marinette. "Yes!" Yelled Adrien. "Good." Said Marinette as they saw a group of kids crowded around their teacher. "Give her the slip." Said Marinette. Adrien nodded and ran towards the teacher.
Adrien handed the teacher his slip and walked into the bus. He took a seat, then Marinette sat down next to him, with Alya and Nino sitting right behind them.
{8 hours later}
Adrien, Marinette, Alya and Nino got out of them bus and their legs didn't feel right. Nino' feet were numb. The wobbled over to their cabin. The teacher had given them Cabin No. 4.

They set their things down in their cabin and then changed and immediately ran towards the beach. It was only two months away from summer, so why not have a nice swim before they leave?

Marinette, Alya, Nino and Adrien splashed around and had loads of fun! Their fun had ended because of a certain mayor's daughter. Sabrina hadn't come with them, she was studying. So, Chloe was left all alone.

"Ugh. What do you want, Chloe?" Asked Alya, carelessly. "I just wanted to say: I'm sorry." Said Chloe.
The group stared at her in shock.
"Marinette, I'm so sorry for making your life miserable! Ever since kindergarten I had bullied you. I made your life miserable. . . I took away your childhood. . . And most importantly. . . Your happiness." Said Chloe.
As Chloe had matured, she realized that she was the biggest jerk anyone has ever seen. She apologized to all the people she hurt in the past. None of them had forgiven her. "I was hoping that we could start again. . ? But. . . Everyone else didn't want to start again, so I doubt that you will want to." She said and frowned. "Chloe. . . Of course we can start over! Do you not remember??? Sisters before misters! Me, you and Alya! You can come join us!" Said Marinette, finally smiling a genuine smile. Chloe smiled and hugged Marinette. Alya joined in too. The boys tried to join in but the girls kicked them right out of the hug.

This was the day that Chloe had changed. And she had changed for the better!

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