Chapter seven: Runaway Heroes

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Chapter seven:


You know, as a demigod, I'm used to running away. Running away with a superhero? Ya, didn't see that coming.

So, to recap what happened, Leo let the hulk out, and we all left the government agents to deal with him. Oh, and Tony gave the keys of his car to Annabeth, so her, Piper, Percy, and Leo could escape.


I was flying next to him. Tony I mean.

"Alright guys. I have a private island we can land on. We'll stay there until Pipes dad starts to worry." I heard Tonys voice fill the earpiece he may or may not have found the time to give me.

"Mister Stark? This is a car. A car. How are we gonna get to a private island if we're in a car."

"Well Annie, I also have a private jet." Tony retold. I could hear Annabeth growl in frustration.

"And don't call me Mister." Tony added. I heard Leo snort.

"Be glad she doesn't know your real name." I rolled my eyes.

"Wait. We have!"

"No, we're gonna swim the whole ocean to my island." Tony said sarcastically.

"Is that an option?" Percy asked. I groaned and faceplamed.

"Ah...Tony? How far away is this island?" I asked.

"JARVIS, how far away is my island?"

"About 4,000 miles sir."

"4,000 miles Jason!" I rolled my eyes. I could sort of see why he was Leo's idol. I mean, he is sarcastic, likes to make jokes at people, and is really good a making stuff. A lot like Leo really. I mean, if you think about.

"Anthony, what would you do if you didn't have JARVIS to do everything for you?"

"DANG IT SHE LEARNED MY REAL NAME!!!" Tony yelled, when Annabeth finished her sentence. I almost fell out of the sky cause Tony yelled into the earpiece, which of course was in my ear. Dam (lol) he can yell.



In two hours, we had only gone about 1,000 of that. The reason why is for a lot of things.

First Percy had to pee. Which meant we had to stop. Then Leo got hungry. So we all stopped and had lunch. Then Tony had to pee. (Which was stupid.) Then Percy got hungry......again. So we had to stop. Again.

Finally we were back in the air again. and Tony were, but you know what I mean.

"Anthony, how long do we have to go?"

"Well Annie, I'm not surprised you can't do the math. And we have about...." Tony paused at the sound of a helicopter.

The sound got closer and I spun around. My eyes widened as I realized who it was.

It was S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Stark hand them over!!" Captain America said over the intercom.

"Or what Capscicle?"

"Or we'll have to use force."

Tony's suit aimed a bunch of weapons at the S.H.I.E.L.D helicopter.

"Try me." Immediately, Agent Romanoff (who was driving) started shooting.

"Annie, drive the car as fast as you can away from here. I will hold them off!!"

"What?! No, I'm helping!!!" I protested.

"No, your not!" Tony said, flying in and out of the missiles Black Widow was shooting at him. I pulled out my sword and cut off on of the helicopter guns.

"Yes, I am!!" I heard Tony sigh.

"Fine, but if you die, Pipes can't blame me."

"I'm helping too!!" I looked over at the car to see Percy standing on the roof of the car. I swore I heard Tony mutter something that sounded like

"Stubborn kids.."

Percy raised his hands and a twenty foot wave rose up from the sea. It shaped into a giant sword that looked like Riptide. You know, just about twenty times bigger, and made of water.

Guess it was a good thing we were near water.

Percy swung his sword in the general direction of the S.H.I.E.L.D agents.

Good news. Uh....there is none.

Bad news. S.H.I.E.L.D. agents are really good pilots.

Agent Romanoff swerved around Percy's giant sword and started shooting at him.

I used to the wind to push her missiles and bullets off course. And, of course, she realized what I was doing and used it to her advantage.

She just shot a ton at a time, at different angles.

Good news. I ALIVE!!!

Bad news.

She got me.


I don't know if you've been blowed up or not, but not the best feeling.

It was sort of like I was flying, but I couldn't move.

It also hurt.

I don't really remember what happened next but I do remember a lot of lighting. Maybe Jupiter decided to save me?

Or maybe another god, cause I saw a rainbow too.



Yes, Jason did blow up. What happened next was......uh.....can't really think of a word for it...

Let's put it this way.

As soon as Natasha's missiles hit Jason, a black funnel cloud filled the air. And while he was flying back, said funnel cloud hit the earth. It sort of looked like a rainbow....

"LEO!!" Annabeth cried, jerking the wheel. I jumped and turned the car around.

Lighting filled the air, as the rainbow/tornado thingy swirled around. It took all my strength just to keep the car away from it.

When the rainbow/tornado thingy cleared, I saw someone I really wanted to see for three reasons.

1. He is AWESOME

2. He would be a lot of help right now


Thor, the DEMIGOD OF AWESOME god of thunder had come to save us.


I know I know not a very good chapter!! But I had to update with something!!

Okay, so vote, comment, follow, stuff like that.

Sorry it sucks!!


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