Chapter five: secrets, secrets and more secrets (part two)

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Chapter five:

Once that little brat Tony went downstairs to his lab, I turned to the other demigods.

"He's hiding something." Leo snorted.

"No duh Annie." I glared at him.

"Don't. Call me. Annie." He raised his hands in surrender.

"Alright, alright." He muttered. I turned back to the smart (ish) demigods.

"What do you think he's hiding?" Piper shrugged.

"Whatever it is, Tony probably has a good reason to keep it from us. We shouldn't pry." Piper said. Jason nodded.

"Pipers right Annabeth. Just because you don't trust him, doesn't mean the rest of us shouldn't." Percy nodded.

"Yea Annie, just calm down!" (Have you noticed that Tony calls Annabeth Annie, and now Percy and Leo call her Annie) I glared at him. Sense when does he call me Annie!?!?

"Hello?! Tony?! Where are you?!" I looked over towards the door to see a redheaded secretary walk in.

"Hey Pepper! My uncles not here right know. Well, he is, he's just downstairs." Pepper nodded frantically. I frowned.

"What's wrong?" I asked. She shook her head frantically and looked around.

"Which one of you is Tonys niece?" We pointed to Piper. Pepper nodded again.

"Okay look, sweetie, I don't have much time to explain. They have spy's. Just come with me and I'll let get you safe." I narrowed my eyes, and walked in front of Piper.

"Why should she?" I asked. Pepper sighed.

"Look, I can't explain now, even if I wanted to. Just please come with me, all of you." Percy looked at me.

"Annabeth, I think we should." Jason nodded.

"I agree." We turned to hear thundering up the stairs. It was Tony.

"Piper, go with Pepper."

"Why? Uncle Tony what's wrong?" Tony sighed.

"Look, I don't have time to explain, but please, take your friends, and go." Piper looked liked she wanted to cry. Percy turned to Tony.

"Tony, what's wrong? Please tell us. We can help!" Jason and Leo nodded.

"Yea! We can!" Leo said. Tony shook his head.

"No, you can't it would be better if you just leave. Leo, under the couch is a case. Give it to me." I frowned.

"Stark, what's going on!" I said. Tony opened his mouth, but he was interrupted.

"Get on the ground with your hands up now!!!"

Ooooo. What do ya think is gonna happen?

Anyway, you know what's funny? Guess what I was watching while I was writing this? Iron Man two. Yea, I'm that awesome. And no, I didn't wait until it was on to update. I was channel surfing. I need background noise, and I found it. So.........don't judge.

Anyway, vote, comment and follow. You know, all that good stuff.

Peace and love Tony!

(P.S. What do you guys think of the new cover?)

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