Chapter four: secrets, secrets, and more secrets (part one)

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Chapter four:

"Alright what do you want?" I asked Fury, once I had got outside. I had a bad feeling about what he wanted.

"You know what I want Stark."

"How many times do I have to tell you? You can't have Piper. I don't know how you found out that she's a demigod, but I do know this. You. Can't. Have her. Or her friends."

"You make it sound like you have a choice weather or not you give them up." I sighed.

"Look. Piper doesn't know who you are, and it should stay that why. It's for the best, and that kids been through a lot." I heard a snort from behind Nick.

"I didn't think Stark actually cared. Or that he had a heart." I rolled my eyes.


"Stark." Steve walked out form behind Nick.

"Look, Stark. Fury's right. These kids need to be taken in to make sure their not a threat." 'Teachers pet'. I thought.

"Look, cap, no can do. If you do anything to hurt these kids in anyway, I'm gonna get the blame. Poseidon's gonna kill, Athena's gonna murder me, Aphrodite's gonna make me look hideous, and Hephaestus is probably gonna take away all my inventing skills!" Nick sighed.

"Look, Stark. We need these kids. And we're gonna get them. With, or without your help."

And with that, He and Capscicle left.

I sighed and walked back in. On the way upstairs I thought about what I would tell them. I mean, what would I tell them?

"So, hey kids! Guess what! The top secret agency that I work for wants to see how far your powers go! Doesn't that seem fun!?" Okay, even I can't make that work.

"Uncle Tony? Are you all right?" I looked into my nieces face.

"Yea pipes. I'm fine." I could tell that she thought I was lying, but she let it go.

"Hey! Hey! Hey, Tony? Can I see your lab?" I looked at that Leo kid. Man, that kid was ADHD. I mean, they all were, but Leo just seemed extra hyper.

"Uhh.......not right now kid. I've got.......super secret stuff to work on right now." I said, as I made my way down to my lab, only to be stopped by the Blondie. Annie. Annabelle. One of those anyway.

"Oh really? Well, what type of "super secret stuff" Mister Stark?" I raised an eyebrow. She REALLY thinks she can out smart talk me? Yea right. She may be the daughter of Athena, but smart talk, well....ha, I invented it!

"Well if I told you that Annie, it wouldn't be a secret anymore now would it?" She glared at me, and I pushed past her, down to my lab.

Once I got there, I shut the door, put my demigod proof lock on it, locked it, and close the curtains.

I sighed and sat down.


"Yes sir?"

"What do you think I should do?"

"I don't know sir."

"Well, your no help then are you?"

"I'm sorry sir. I just can't help you with this. I say you tell them the truth."

"And how do you think they'll take it?"

"I don't know sir." I sighed, and put a demigod shield around the house. Pipes had told me that demigods like Percy attract a lot of monsters, and I really don't want them ruining my new house.


"Yes sir?"

"Keep an eye on them for me."

"Will do sir."

"Oh, and JARVIS?"

"Yes sir?"

"Call Pepper for me. And tell her everything."

"Are you sure that's wise sir?"

"Fine. Just call her. And ask Piper to explain everything."

"I'll get right to it sir."

"Thanks JARVIS."

"No problem sir."

Sorry that it's short. Well, actually, not really. Hahaha.

Yea. I did that on purpose.

Who knew that Tony Stark had a heart? Well, every did, but you guys know what I mean. And no smart comments. -_-

Anyway, vote, comment, follow, all that good stuff.

Peace and love the Avengers!! ;)

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