Chapter three: Your Uncles Tony Stark! O0O

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Chapter three:

This is what Leo's face looked like: o0o

Annabeth's, looked like this: >:0

Percy's: o0o

And Jason's: ?

I didn't really get Jason's, but I'll ask him later.

"Your uncle. Is Tony Stark!?!?!" I nodded.

"Yep. Pretty much Leo." Leo turned to me.

"How could you NOT TELL ME!! Tony Stark is like, my idol!! And you don't tell me that your RELATED TO HIM!!"

"Aww... Thanks kid." I rolled my eyes. Annabeth just glared at him, Leo and Percy were still nerding out, and Jason just looked plain confused.

"Why don't we go inside and talk about it?" I said. I might have used charmspeak. Everyone nodded and went inside. Well, all but Uncle Tony.

I raised an eyebrow.

"Well, when i found out you were a demigod and could charm people into getting what you wanted, I sort of made my arch reactor demigod proof." I glared at him. He snickered.


"Do you know the Hulk?"

"Banner? Yea."

"Captain America?"

"Steve? Sadly, but yea."

"Black widow?!"


"Really? You don't?"

"No, I do, I just got tired of saying yea."

"You only said it twice." Annabeth pointed out.

"So? Your point is?" Leo and Percy were asking uncle Tony at least 10 questions per minutes. Jason was still trying to find out who he was (it turns out that Jason doesn't know any super hero. Other than Thor anyway. Pretty sad.) and Annabeth was disagreeing with him like there was no tomorrow.

"My POINT is, that you shouldn't get tired of it." He shrugged.

"Yea, I shouldn't, but I did." Annabeth glared at him.

"What about Thor?"


"I thought you said you got tired of the word yea?"

"Yea, I did. What's your point kid?" Annabeth glared daggers at him, but Uncle Tony was too busy hanging a picture of Iron Man on the wall.

"Don't. Call me. Kid. It's Annabeth."

"What about............ Hawkeye?"

"Dude in tights with freakishly good vision? Yea."

"Do you know Spiderman?"

"Kid in tights that swings around on a web? Yes, yes I do." Leo and Percy looked at each.


"Geeks." Uncle Tony snorted and sat down.

"So, you know all about me, but I don't know all about you. So. We're gonna play a game. We're gonna go in a circle, and your gonna tell me your godly parent. And who that godly parent is, I forgot to catch up on my greek mythology last night."

Leo went first.

"Leo Valdez, son of Hephaestus god of fire and forges, and might I just say Mister Stark, me and my siblings are HUGE fans of yours."

"Well that's good to know." I rolled my eyes. Percy was next.

"Percy Jackson, Son of Poseidon, God of the Sea. That's his shorten title anyway." Uncle Tony nodded.

"Cool. And you?" He asked, pointing to Annabeth. She glared at him.

"Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena, goddess of wisdom and battle strategy."

"Alright, so why do you hate me? I mean, I'm awesome!" If looks could kill, Uncle Tony would be dead for the second time. (You know, his arch reactor thing that he made?)

"In your opinion. What about the rest of the worlds?" Uncle Tony pretended to think.

"Hmm.......let's see........yea, that's a hard one right there.......... Ummm... Yea. I'm pretty sure the world loves me."

"Moving on!" I said, before Annabeth could pull out her dagger.

"I'm Jason Grace, Son of Jupiter, Roman god of the sky."

"Wait. If your roman, what are you doing hanging out with a bunch of Greeks?" Jason shifted uncomfortably.

"It's sort of a long story sir." Uncle Tony sighed.

"Please stop with the formalities. Just call me Tony okay?" We nodded. All but Annabeth.

"Why? Does it annoy you SIR?" Annabeth smirked. I mentally faceplamed. This wasn't gonna end well.

"Yes, Annie, in the matter of fact, it does." Annabeth's smirk vanished from her face faster than you could say "blue pancakes".

"It's Annabeth. Not Annie. Not Annabelle. Not Beth. Annabeth." Uncle Tony raised an eyebrow.

"And it's Tony. Not sir. Not Mister. Not Mister Stark. Not Stark. Tony. Once you get that right, I'll at least TRY to get your name right."

"Sir, Nick Fury is outside. He wants to see you." Uncle Tony groaned.

"Thanks JARVIS."

"Your welcome sir."

"Okay. You 5." He said, pointing to each one of us.

"Will stay here until I get back. If you need anything, ask JARVIS. He'll be happy to help. Isn't that right JARVIS?"

"Quite right sir." Uncle Tony stood up.

"Oh! And don't touch anything!" He said, as he vanished out the door.

Everyone turned their gaze towards me.

"SOO.......... Your uncles Tony Stark huh?" Leo asked. I faceplamed.

My Uncle TonyΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα