And The Game Begins ....

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Lizzie's POV

School suck's as usual all we  had been doing for the whole week is read and read , quizzes left and right and reporting .. Gahhh I do love World History and Chemistry but Literature is boring ... Aside from that it has been raining non stop since the weekend and it is kind of dumping the mood that even teachers are being grouchy . I had been feeling un easy for awhile now and I will be honest it has something to do with that boy Richard . he has been following me this whole weel and it is kind of creeping me out although he has not done anything or said anything aside from following me from school to my home ...

It has been four days since he started doing it I  was thinking of reporting him but as i said he doesn't do anything or say anything other than follow me and some of my friends think it is cool , that some hot guy is so interested me that he is following me like crazy ..

I was worried a bit right now for I will be walking home alone my friends are called by the guidance councilor for someone had reported seeing them smoke inside the bathroom  , thank God I was not there nor am I smoking . The class bell rung and I easily made my way to the door , and I haven't walked far enough and i see the idiot standing in front of my locker .

Richard's POV

I don't care if it would look as if I 'm stalking her , the only thing I know is that I want to make sure that she got home safe from home to school and back . Yeah , I know it is creepy but I am glad that she does not know that I am also following her every morning on the way to school . She does not notic me for I hid quite well and I do have to wake up an hour earlier just to make sure that she is still at home when I get there . This girl is driving me mad , I have never done this to any girl that I had been with she is really different not only in looks but also in attitude and she has this pull in me that makes me want to protect her ..  I do not think she have noticed it yet , but I am not the  only one following her another guy does and from the way he look I say he is  a few years older than us I meant compare to me and Lizzie of course . I find it out quite accidentally , last week I was dismissed earlier by my Literature teacher for I have already done my report and pass it earlier so I  decided to play basketball out side the school .  I noticed a guy standing not far from the gate as if he was waiting for someone , I did  not know how but my gut is telling me he  was waiting for  Lizzie . So I continued playing why watching him covertly . The guy maybe a few years older than me but he is not that big but he is more leaner than me ,he reminds me of someone but I cannot remember who . When the  bell rang signalling school was over I saw him stand  closer at the gate and looking at the school  door and my heart beats faster when I noticed the guy's reaction when she saw  Lizzie , he stand alert and  his gaze at her never faltered . I  made sure that I was hidden but he will  stay  clearly on my view , thanks  for  the  trees here .

Then and there I  decided to follow Lizzie at home and  make  sure that she wasn't  left alone unprotected I am not sure that the guy will harm him but better be sure  than sorry . As  Lizzie and her friends get  near the gate I saw that my cousin  Sue was one of them at least I know she will be  with someone will be  with her if anything happens for Sue lives five blocks away from her ..

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