Lizzie's POV

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Like really ? He got the nerve asking me if he could walk me home ,who the hell he think he is ? Well , we just met I know but I heard a lot about him from the school's grapevine and based from what I heard he LIKES girls and I mean GIRLS in plural form and he just transferred here ..

If you look at him , you won't think that he is a player. He has the look of the guy next door , I must admit that he has the look but I do not just go for looks I want something more from a guy than just good to look at. Other students think I am a snob because I do not socialize that much , but I am not I am actually shy afraid that they might not like me. I am not a sweet person I tell it as I see it , I know that being frank usualy hurt someone but I rather hurt them than lie to them and with that attitude I only have a couple of friends .

I don't date but I am not a tomboy , I do have some admirers but they getting few after they got a tangle with my temper .I don't like guys who are very showy or flashy , I like them to be a person with a few words but talk with sense , I like boys who are inteligent and in short I do not like guys with a bad boy image and a player and those title suited that Richard who ever . He is lucky that  my temper because Pearl is with me . Pearl has this calming effect on me , she is sweet my exact opposite. Pearl nudge me and I came out from the haze that my irritation has wrapped me in because of the boy who has the nerve to ask me to walk with him .

I think this boy needs a dressing down just enough to bring that cockiness down and I am sure some of the girls will agree with me .

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