Part 3 Clashes of wills ...

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I look up the Jerk with a disgruntled look on my face that says I hate your guts . it is not because he is ugly ,far from that.. he had what you can say eyes that speaks volume ,his nose is okay and his mouth hhmnnn .. How can i describe it ..Well let us forget about that what I hate is his attitude ...

He acts like he doesn't care if I am irritated with him , he just keep smiling but his eyes say differently . It clearly said that I want you and I am going to have you .. i haven't experienced having a boyfriend yet but i am sure as hell that I do not want a jerk for my first one since i wanted my first to be my last also..

I turned to my friend Pearl that I have to go with the excuse that I have to pass a project to my other teacher . With my intention of leaving without saying bye to her friend I started walking away but was stopped by a hand on my arms. It is the jerks hand who is topping me from leaving ...Ugh what is it this time I wonder ..


"Hey , Lizzie can  I walk you home later ?" I ask her. I do not think she likes me that much based on how she looks at me .Her whole face clearly say that she doesn't give a shit about me this is bad I really got a big crush on her since I saw her two months ago talking to Pearl. She is the reason why I friend pearl so I can get to know her since I didn't know anybody here since I just transferred from another school . I know it is wrong at first but when I get to know Pearl I realized that she is a really nice person and I am lucky to have her as a friend.i really hope she will agreebut if she didn't i will try again . I won't give up , I have met a lot of girls and been and out in a few relationship but Ihaven't felt for them what I felt when I first saw Lizzie .

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