Lizzie's Pov part 2

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I never thought of myself as pretty but may of the boys and friends say that I am .  I don't trust boy or men as it is . My father is a womanizer , I don't know how my mom can stay and take that  she said because she loves us and my father . I don't agree with her I see no reason why stay in a relationship with someone who doesnt care how you fell nor respect you , for me love and respect goes hand in hand ...

Ironically as it is that boy and my father share the same name you can say I am bias but I think they are the same in many ways too. I think I might be able to tought that boy a lesson or two in respecting girls and being straight in a relationship . But I am having second thoughts for as I said i have never been in any relatioship with boys that is more than friends .. Should I do it or forget the idea ???

A/N Seems our girl has some trust issue but I say she got spunk . What do you think shoukl she try giving Richard the boy a lesson or shoukld sher stay away and forget it ? Please comment so I would know what to do .. Thank you !

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