Chapter 1

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It's been two years since we decided to leave our old pack. The Midnight Pack. Two years of letting ourselves be who we actually were. No more being treated like shit for who we were. When we were back in our ex-pack I was personally teased, bullied, and pushed around. It was hell for me that is till I met Camille.


I was walking towards my packs house. It was a terrible day as it was a routine to just be pushed around by the popular ones in the pack, those bitchy girls who could only find amusement in the emotional torture of others. I reached the front of the pack house, and right then and there two cars parked. I knew the bright yellow one was no other than the queen of bitches in the pack and her crew. The other black car was Camille's, the girl who never got messed with she wasn't a bad chick type. At least that's not what I see, but she knew how to be respected without making a move. I knew these girls were afraid of her but they snickered and ignored Camille when she passed by.

Camille didn't come out of the car, I was curious. But my curiosity was soon snapped away by the queen bitch taunting me.

"Eww, you're such a cow. Ever thought about a diet? Or Losing the pounds?" She smirked while her 2 followers just laughed.

I wasn't fat; I was just more of a thick figured than her stick shaped body. She wasn't exactly ugly. She had that medium sized brown hair up to her shoulders, had light green eyes, and it compelled her olive skin. Measuring a good 5'4 in my eyes. But too bad it contained a disgusting personality. I don't know why they even dated her half the pack already "pounced her" as they said.

Compared to me, I don't know if it was really a competition. I was a little bit more curvy at the time, I had long shiny raven black hair that past my shoulders midway to my upper arms. I have my father's big dark brown eyes that could easily pass as black even at a close distance. I was also a light tan color, my mother use to call me Pocahontas or even Esmeralda. I had big breast...which was kind of a turn on for certain guys. Gosh....I was also a good 5'6 I wasn't that bad.

"Hello Earth to the nerdy cow! You are so pathetic, no wonder everyone hates your ugly ass" She called out, putting her hand in her hip. I stayed quiet, looking down. She knew I would act like that; she then grabbed her Gatorade and just poured it on top of my head. I was completely soaked and was ready to explode. I had it with them. All those insults, tricks, comment's everything I just couldn't take it anymore. They were the main ones in the pack who bullied me, actually the only ones. Right then and there I slammed my books into her face and beated her with my fist. Scratching and ruining her pretty little face. I wasn't the violent one, but this was the last straw. My wolf couldn't take it anymore, she was beyond mad at me for not standing up for myself. Only in training did she ever show them I was tough.

[Hey I was bullied and teased by them but the pack did teach me how to fight. It was natural to learn, especially if you're the beta's daughter....or were. Yea my parents died when I was 8 years old. Which lead to me being alone and bullied since I was so shy and didn't have people watching over me except the Alpha who took me under his roof for my father, and coincidence it was Cami's father. Yup. Daughter of Alpha and her brother Jaden who was the bad boy in the pack and the next in line as Alpha, who is currently in beta position. Don't let his bad ass exterior fake you, well it does fake everyone but not me. He's sweet, loving, care free, has short black hair that reached his ears, he was a good 5'11 foot. Unlike Camille, she was quieter she would talk to me but I wouldn't say close friends. But with Jaden, We were sort of close. We always waved and greeted each other and had those usual moments in bumping into each other and laughing. He actually made my days great and watched over me. Too bad he found his mate and as loving as she was, he cared for her more. We still talk just not as usual. I'm old enough to take care of myself. But I'll admit, I did wish he could've been my mate.]

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