Chapter 19: Jordie And His Journey

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Levy sat with Rogue in the guild hall, Juvia and Sting were there too. Her legs were still cut up and bruised so she could barely navigate. She would use either, Rogue for basic transportation or riding in a wheel chair. Believe it or not she preferred Rogue as transportation. At least Juvia could manage on her feet for more than a couple minutes but still preffered using Sting as a chauffeur.

Frosch sat happily beside Rogue with a wide smile "Hello"

Levy greeted the cute cat with an equally wide grin. Rogue only grunted in acknowledgement, not looking up from his book. Autumn sat on Levy's head sleeping. On the other side of the table Sting was eating with Lector while listening to Juvia speak as she caressed Yuri's fur; Ski and Bipo slept on the side.

Everything and everyone felt calm, happy, domestic even. But Sabertooth being Sabertooth, this did not last long.

"HOLY COW! JUVIA'S A MOM!" Lector yelled suddenly in shock.

Sting spat out his drink, covering Lector's mouth before he could spill any other details. Juvia froze in a mix of fear and shock. Levy glared at her from across the table with a shocked look.

"YOU TOLD THEM!" Levy yelled checking to see if anyone else saw Lector's proclamation. Rogue only barely watched, occupied with his own problems, he didn't need more.

"WHAT!? OF COURSE NOT!" Juvia reassured Levy then whispered "Only Sting though..."

"Sorry about that, I was sorta shifting through Sting's mind accidentally on purpose and he was just thinking about it, I didn't know he would" Lector pauses "He's thinking about Juvia's chest now"

Juvia hit him across the head, making him spit out his drink once again. Rogue sighed realising that Sting had pretty much just spilled half his drink across the table forcing Yukino to come over and clean it up.

Jordie fell into the seat on the other side of Levy "Yukino...hit me!"

Yukino made a face then headed to get a beer. When she came back he chugged it down slamming it against the table.

"Whoa there tiger. Where's the fire?" Sting asked

"Juvia is surprised it's not in your mug but close enough" Juvia muttered gesturing to his mug filled with light, so to speak.

"I...well...had a nightmare" Jordie declared rubbing the sides of his head. Levy, Sting and Juvia took a better look of him, seeing dark circles under his eyes. He looked almost repulsive, compared to his usual self.

"What was in the nightmare?" Levy asked curiously

"Huh well...have you ever seen Calum when he was mad?" Jordie stuttered.

Juvia and Levy shook their heads.

Sting groaned "I ate one of his  icy strawberry pops...didn't know it was his when he left the room" Sting gulped  "I finished eating right when he came back and saw me take the last bite"

"Oh, you think that was crazy then?" Jordie muttered with wide eyes "You should have seen him when I came back from my trip"

"Did he freeze your face?" Sting asked.

"He froze more than just my face..." Jordie shivered placing his hands on his groin. Sting sympathized with him.

"Wow...why would Calum ever--"

"He blamed me for getting Kaylanie to become so reclusive" Jordie explained.

"Why did he blame you?" Levy asked.

"Because I'm the reason she became an introvert for so long"

"Bastard" Juvia spat, glaring at him from across the table.

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