Chapter 3: Feeling Safer Here

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On one of the highest levels of the Sabertooth building, was the home of Serena. A large home with almost everything she needed besides her own garden of course. She could always go to down to the garden of the guild but she never had the time.

Serena's eyes snapped open. Her breathing was heavy and her forehead felt moist with sweat. Looking out the window she saw the sun slowly rising through her window.

She took a deep breath, she glanced dowm at her shaking hands. Her dream was so vivid. The screams. The cries, they pounded in her ears like the beat of a drum. She remembered it all, down to every single detail.

Shaking off the thoughts, she popped out of bed and headed in the bathroom. Her crimson hair flowed down her back in a messy manor as she watched her own reflection.

She broke contact with herself and washed her face, hoping it could wash away her dreams, her thoughts,  anything. Twenty minutes later she walked out the bathroom fresh as a daisy, a towel wrapped around her body.

She glanced at the bottle of pills on her nightstand. Those pills that sat on her nightstand every day, symbolizing a life she had known too well. In one swift move she threw them in the bin "I hope I don't regret that..."

She quickly changed in a pair of black pants with long sleeved white crop top. While leaving she glanced back at the bin and took a deep breath before walking out. "We need to get away from here..."

Sierra moaned in her sleep. Her eyes lazily opened as she felt an unfamiliar bed under her. All she could remember was being in the guild, fighting with her brothers then everything was a blur from that point on.

Sierra sat up and took in her surroundings. She was in an unknown yet very nice room, wearing the same clothes as the night before. In a panick she could only assume that she was kidnapped and put into some sort of underground prostitution ring. That would explain the high end place, customers would like that.

She felt movement besides her. Was this man the one who kidnapped her? Did he drug her and test her out? You can't send a girl out on the street without knowing her yourself, right? No matter the situation she was ready to fight her way out.

"You awake already huh?" The sound of a female shocked her. A female was her client? Sierra checked if she still had pants or had anything strangely wet down under. Dry and clothed. Good.

Sierra ripped off the blanket to reveal a familiar mop of light blue hair with purpel tips. "LEVY!?"

"Yes?" Levy sat up and stretched her upper body with a yawn. "Sleep well?"

Sierra stared at her and was snapped out of it by Levy's snapping fingers "Oh right.... why did you kidnap me!?Where are we?!"

"I didn't kidnap you. This is one of our remaining spare rooms. Don't you remember last night?" Levy asked tilting her head.

Sierra looked forward, searching through her memories "Wait last night...."

Flashback to the night before

Sierra was in the guild looking for a fight when Juvia and Levy came up to her, drinks in hand.

"Hey firecracker, want a drink?" Levy proposes pushing the drink up to her face.

Sierra pushed it away "Nah I'm good, don't really drink anyways"

"Oh too bad, looks like Sting is going to win" Juvia solomnly said , shaking her head from side to side.

Sierra's ears pearkes up at the words "Winning what? I CAN BEAT HIM AT ANYTHING!? I'M A DRAGON SLAYER TOO NOW!"

"Oh just a drinking contest but you can't handle that. Can you?" Levy sighed, faking sadness "Oh who am I kidding you can't"

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