Chapter 16 : Another Day of Training

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Jordie, Rogue and Sting held their breaths, bravely standing underneath the raging waterfall. They struggled to stay on their feet with the impossibly cold rushing water but at the same time wanted to impress the women on shore.

"Is this even necessary Persephone?" Levy asked, who at first a as amused by the sight but now felt slight pain for the boy's sufferings. She sat on the shore line with Sierra, Juvia and Kaylanie and Violet.

"Oh heavens no" Persephone said casually "I just want to see them suffer"

"Juvia wants to get in" Juvia pouted along side Kaylanie who watched the water in envy. Juvia had been teaching her how to use a water body, ever since then all she wanted to do was be in the water.

"I don't think they're all suffering" Violet pointed to an excited Khairin, jumping joyfully in the water.

Sierra sighed "That freak's a masochist so...yeah"

"That damned fool is not in pain, I can't settle down like this" Persephone growled, squirming in her seat.

"My god, you really are a sadist aren't you Per?" Sierra commented, disturbed by her younger sister's behaviour "You and Khai would go great together"

Persephone gave off a deadly glare, piercing through Sierra's skin "I don't ship it...get it through your head"

"I could do this all day" Sting announced, trying to put on a brave front.

"Me too...this is nothing" Jordie agreed, his agony evident on his face.

"Oh shut it, we can see the pain guys. Just come back to shore, Rogue already did" Levy shouted, pointing to a numb Rogue, searching for a towel.

Sting and Jordie plummet to the water, scurrying off to dry land in relief, numb bodies wrapped tightly in towels in search for warmth. Sting glued himself to Juvia's side, trying to steal her body heat.

"Keep that up and Juvia will throw you back in the water"Juvia menaced, giving her own deadly glare to Sting.

Jordie stood, shivering as he breathed into his hands. Kaylanie crawled up, trying to enter his towel "Wanna share your cold with me?"

"Yeah...I'm good" Jordie denied awkwardly wrapping himself tighter for protection.

Khairin skipped happily to shore with a wide smile "How exhilarating!"

Persephone cleared her throat "Now that we're warmed up..."

"Warm?" Rogue repeated "You had us under a waterfall that connects to one of the coldest rivers in Fiore"

"We'll begin training" Persephone scowled at her brother for interrupting her "It has come to our attention --our-- being the S class members and up, that you are all potential candidates for a roll as a new S class member"

"Then why are we here?" Levy asked, pointing to herself and Juvia.

"Me too" Violet shyly lifted her hand.

"Ask the S class members" Persephone answered.

Juvia makes an ignorant face "Which is?"

"That'd be me!" Sierra said waving her hand from side to side "I nominated you!"

"Thanks Sierra!" Juvia cheered, high fiving the girl.

"Now, each of the S class mages submitted their recommendations for who they thought should participate in the S class trial. So this training if for those recommendations. But, just because you were considered here, doesn't mean you'll make it into the actual games. Seven mages will be submitted but you can bet you have higher chances." Persephone explained.

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