Chapter 11: Old Friends

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About two years ago --or less--,Juvia finds that time is hard to keep track of.

Juvia placed a cigarette in her mouth, taking a long drag, then letting it blow out her nose. Levy laughed at the act, as she blew circles in the air, she lifted her leg up, slamming a man down as he came from  behind her.

"Steven" Levy --or Temptation-- called, turning her head back, her long cigarette blanced in her hands "You know how I feel about touching"

Steven got to his feet, bowing repeatedly "P-pardon me"

"Oh calm down the little thing  won't  bite" Juvia --or Seduction-- snickered.

Levy rolled her eyes, gesturing for Steven to stand up straight "What do you need?" She asked lazily placing the cigarette back in her mouth.

"The...the huh" Steven stuttered "shipment got stuck"

"Stuck how?" Juvia demanded, anger burning within her.

"The men we sent out to deliver it, sent us a message about how there was an accident" Steven  explained, twirling his thumbs.

"What do you expect us to do now?" Levy said puffing more smoke in the air.

"No one.... can beat your combined strength so..."

"Fine,we'll go and deal with it" Juvia said flicking her cigarette  in the street.

Levy and Juvia jumped down from the small building they were on, landing in the street. They drove down the highway out of Colta, stopping when they saw smoke in the air.

"It's  the mistresses!" One of the men cried. A group  of men stood by a truck that was on it's side,burning from within.

Levy groaned ,not liking the sight, as she left the vehicle "What did you do?"

"A monster! It threw us off the road, it was immense!" One of the men explained.

"Hmm..." Levy hummed, her fingers writing in the air. Vines sprouted from the ground, bringing  the truck back to it's original stance.

"We'll  be going after that monster of yours. Take care of the fire yourselves" Juvia said, not lending  a drop of her power "In which direction did it go to?" 

Without  hesitance, all the men pointed  to the north of the area. It was a valley that seemed to go on endlessly if not for the woods in the far off distance. Juvia groaned looking at the journey ahead. They stepped into the car, Levy driving as they sped off.

After a mere ten minutes of driving, they hit a bump. Levy stepped out the car to take a look. She looks to what they hit, seeing a large bag of their merchandise, wripped open and dragged  around. She kicked it away, looking around as Juvia left the car.

"What the hell is going on?" Juvia muttered.

" tell. Can you explain?"

Juvia and Levy turn around to see an immensely monstrous dragon, towering over their heads. Levy stiffed a scream, keeping her serious demeanour "Hey..."

"Are you with those men I came across?" The dragon asked.

"I wouldn't  say with. They work under us, so more of associates" Levy said

"Ah very  cowardly of them to just run away. I believe one  might have defecated himself"

"What a nice way to put it" Juvia said stepping  back to their car.

"Who are you?"

"Seduction and Temptation" Juvia introduced  pointing  to herself then to Levy.

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