When your on your period

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"Taylor please come over" I sniffle into the phone.

"What's wrong?" He ask and you hear shuffling in the background then a car door slam letting you know he's getting in his car.

"I have cramps and I want to cuddle" I tell him whining and he laughs.

"Ill be there in a little bit baby" you can hear the smile in his voice.

"Okay" I hangup and hold my stomach.

Owwwwwieeee. I hate cramps!

About 20 minutes later taylor pops into my bedroom door with a big bag of stuff .

"Hey baby I brought a whole bunch of movies. Lot of chocolate and IceCream, some midol, and McDonalds" he smiles and sit next to me on my bed.

"I love you sooooo much! Now all I need is to cuddle come here" he hops into my bed pulling me into his arms as we watch frozen.

I cry when cute parts come up but taylor laughs.

"I'm very emotional !" I laugh into his shoulder and he smiles.

"Yeah I don't get that. Just because you bleed doesn't mean you need to be all emotional. Who came up with that?" He scoffs but smiles.

"Mother nature" I frown and he kisses my lips.

We make out for a little bit but eventually we both fall asleep.

Taylor Caniff ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now