Chapter 21

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Author's POV

To: Taehyung ,Jimin
Let's hangout at our usual place.
I will be waiting for you guys at 7

Jungkook sent text to his two hyungs who were his best friends. Quite often they used to hangout together for which their place to hangout was already fixed.

After Taehyung and Jimin got the text from Jungkook , they wrote back to him that they would come after they finished their work.

Jungkook waited at the parking for Jimin as they worked together in the same building. After Jimin joined him in the car, Jungkook ignited the engine to rush toward the bar.

When they got there, they saw that Taehyung was already chilling in his seat. "Dude you told to hangout but you are the one who's late " Taehyung complained while munching salad that he already ordered.

"I became late for this short hyung"Jungkook said while nudging Jimin. Jungkook earned a smack from Jimin on his head for calling him short. Jungkook groaned in pain. On the other hand Taehyung laughed seeing them messing around.

"Aghhhhh I'm so freaking tired!!!" Jungkook yelled all of a sudden.

"Why what did you do ?, we didn't have much work today" Jimin interjected him.

"Hyung, trust me married life is so freaking frustrating that it's better to remain single for the whole life. I think getting married is worthless. So I personally suggest you to never get married!!" Jungkook ranted with a pain expression on his face.

"Why, what happened ? What did your wife do ?" Taehyung asked this time.

"You tell me , what she didn't ?!"Jungkook didn't even started drinking but already he was tipsy.

"Ugh I'm sick and tired of her. She just gets on my nerve every time I talk to her. She'ssuch a pain in the neck that you will feel like sticking a box of tissue in her mouth."Jungkook didn't stop ranting about Sungmi.

"Chill, dude. Everything will be alright. Just wait for the moment." Taehyung tried to convince him.

"Jungkook you should introduce your wife to us. We haven't seen her. "Jimin suggested him.

"Yeah, Jimin is right. Only then we can know how much annoying your wife is " Taehyung said as he hi fived Jimin.

"Ok, I'm gonna invite you guys one day. " Jungkook said.

"Tell me about your love life hyung"Jungkook asked Taehyung.

"Please don't ask that question. I'm dying"

"What happened this time ?!" Jimin asked him with curiosity lingering his question.

"The girl I like just got married." As soon as they heard him, they choked on their drink at the same time.

"What?!!!" This time again they asked at the same time.

Taehyung used to date Taeyeon in his university life. But when they got into the same office, Taeyeon asked him for break-up. And he had no choice but to break up with her even though he loved her. From then on, he waited for the right girl to win his heart but deep in his heart already he knew who actually had his heart. It was actually Sungmi. He started liking her when she was new at the work and he had to mentor her. When he closely worked with her , he got to know how Sungmi had a kind heart and how she cared for everyone. Her kindness and her beauty won his heart. But he didn't have the right time to confess her. He liked the way they were close at work and he didn't want to jeopardize their relationship for which he decided to keep his feeling at himself.

My Unloving Husband √ Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon