My Samurai Dream Chapter 5

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When Jayden asks me if I'm okay. All I can do is keep throwing up.

"I hope she's okay", says Jayden worriedly.

I stop throwing up a few minutes later to see Jayden keeping an eye on me.

"You feeling okay Bre", asks Jayden.

"No, but I'll be fine", I say.

Jayden helps me to his room where I lay down in bed and then Jayden places a small garbage can next to the bed.

"Stay in bed. I'll be back later", says Jayden.

"Okay", I say weakly.

When Jayden walks out, I fall asleep dreaming about Jayden's dreamy eyes, love looks, and soon to be picnics that Jayden and I are having. While I'm sleeping, I'm woken up by a gentle shake.

"Huh", I asks still trying to wake up.

"Here, it's cough and flu medicine. You'll feel better soon", says Jayden.

"Five more minutes", I say.

"Come on Bre", says Jayden.

I then feel a few drops of cold water.

"Okay, you've got me up", I say.

Jayden hands me the medicine.

I take it only to realize it's fruity.

"Thanks Jayden", I say.

"You're welcome. I'll be back in five minutes", says Jayden sweetly.

Jayden walks out and returns four minutes later with a thermometer and a bowl with cold water and a wet rag.

"Hey Jayden", I say.

"You look worse than before", says Jayden.

"I feel miserable than ever", I say.

"I'm taking you to the emergency room", says Jayden.

"I feel too weak to even move", I say.

"Emily", yells Jayden.

Emily walks in to see Jayden wetting my face.

"Jayden you need anything", asks Emily.

"I need an ambulance for Bre. She's too weak. She can barely move", says Jayden worriedly.

"I'm on it", says Emily.

Emily calls the operator who sends an ambulance to the Sheba House.

"Jayden they're here", says Emily.

Emily leads the paramedics to Jayden's room where they put me on the gurney.

"Who's going to ride with her", asks one of the paramedics.

"I will", says Jayden.

"Me too", says Emily.

Jayden and Emily ride in the back of the ambulance all the way to the hospital where I'm immediately admitted.

"How is she doc", asks Jayden.

"She'll be fine. We found poison in her blood", says the doctor.

"Poison. I gave her some cough medicine before the paramedics arrived", says Jayden.

"It wasn't that. It was something she drank", says the doctor.

"She only drinks water", says Emily.

"She was throwing up for fifteen minutes earlier today", says Jayden.

"Did she seem okay earlier today", asks the doctor.

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