Chapter 17

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Cameron’s POV

                As I was hiding behind my couch I grabbed my phone out of my back pocket and started to dial 999 when all of a sudden they started talking through the door.

“Common, Cameron, we know you’re in there… Just come out so we can talk.” I heard one of them say, and I’m pretty sure it was Zach.

                I didn’t answer them and continued dialing the number. I put the phone up to my ear and then dispatcher came on the line. But then all of a sudden they started banging on my door.

“Hello, what’s your emergency?” they asked me.

“My ex-x is try-ing to brea-ak in-to my flat-t.” I shakily whispered into the phone.

“Okay ma’am, I’m getting your location through your cell phone. Where are you currently located in your home?” She asked.

“I’m hid-ding behin-nd my cou-ch in my-y liv-ing roo-m.” I told her.

“Okay, officers are on their way over to you right now. They won’t have their sirens on so that the people that are trying to hurt you won’t hear them and run away. Is there anywhere else you can go? Do you have a balcony, or can you get to your neighbors safely some way?” She asked me.

“I have a balcon-y I can go out-t on” I stuttered out.

“Okay, go there.”

                I did what she told me and quietly unlocked my balcony door and went outside. I then noticed that Liam had his lights on so he must be home. And seeing as though his balcony is next to mine and that I could just hop over the railing and get to his flat I asked the dispatcher if I should.

“I can get-t to my neigh-bors flat next-t doo-r,  should-d I?” I asked.

“Yes, get as far away from your flat as possible, but stay on the line.” She said.

“Okay, and I see-ee the officer-s coming down the stree-eet.” I told her as I hopped over the railing onto Liam’s balcony.

“Okay good, now are you in your neighbor’s apartment yet?” She asked.

“No, not yet-t.” I told her as I knocked on Liam’s sliding glass door.

                Liam walked out of his bedroom with his eyebrows furrowed together. Then when he saw that it was me on his balcony, and a look of worry spread across his face. He ran over to the door, unlocked it, shoved it open, grabbed me and pulled me inside. He then closed the door and locked it once again, and was about to started and question me, but what cut off by my conversation with the dispatcher.

“I’m with my neigh-bor now-w.” I told the dispatcher as I started to calm down a bit.

“Good, stay with them until the police come up. Can you go into a back bedroom or something to stay away from the windows and doors for now?” she asked me.

“Yeah”, I said to her. “Liam, we need to get away from the windows and doors.” I told him. He grabbed my hand and pulled me to his bedroom.

“I’m going to put you on speaker now if that’s okay, it’s not loud and we’re far enough away that they won’t hear.” I told the dispatcher.

“Okay that’s fine.” She said as I put her on speaker.

“Cameron, which one of your neighbors are you with right now, just so the police know where to find you for questioning?” She asked me.

“I’m with Liam Payne right now.” I told her.

“Is he there with you right now?”

“Yes, he is.” I said.

“Liam, just to answer some of your questions that I’m sure you have right now is this. Cameron has some men with ski masks covering their face at her flat’s front door. She needed to get out of there so she went outside and was able to climb onto your balcony hoping that you could help her out, and get her to a safer place.” The dispatcher told Liam.

“Okay.” He said.

“Alright Cameron, how many men did you say were outside your door?” She asked me.

“Two.” I stated.

“Okay, and you said one was your ex, how could you tell?” She asked.

“His voice, and earlier I got some texts from an unknown number and a note shoved under my door that was signed with his initials.” I told her.

“Alrighty, I’m getting word that the officers have put the two men in hand cuffs and need you to emerge from Liam’s flat. They are out in the hallway and would like to question you.” She said.

“Alright, once I see the officers can I hang up with you?” I asked.

“Yes, that would be fine.” She said.

“Okay thanks.” I said as I made my way out into the hallway and towards the officers who were standing outside my flat.

“Are you Cameron Pullman?” They asked me.

“Yes.” I told them as I hung up the phone.

“Okay, we would just like to ask you some questions about what happened earlier. We have the two men in custody. They broke down your door and ruined a few things in you flat. Do you happen to know what they were looking for?” One of them asked me.

“Yes, they were looking for me. One of them happens to be Zachary Brewer, my ex boyfriend who assaulted me and was arrested and thrown in prison. He was sentenced to four years, but was released this morning for good behavior after only about a year.” I told them.

“Yes, one of them does happen to be Zachary Brewer, how’d you know?”

                I told them about the text messages, the note under my door and my phone calls with Officer Riggs earlier today. They wrote down all of the information that I told them, and then proceeded to tell me that I would need to find a safe place to stay for the next few days until the investigation is finished. They still needed to talk to all of Zach’s friends and his accomplice’s friends as well.

                That’s when Liam stepped in and told the officers, “That won’t be a problem, she is going to be staying with me.”

                I looked at him like he was crazy and told him, “I was going to ask Natalie, you don’t have to do that Liam.”

“No it’s fine; I want you to stay with me. That way I know you’re safe.” He said.

“Are you two dating?” the officers asked.

“No we’re just really good friends.” I told him.

“Okay, as long as she’s not in that flat she’s fine. You can go pack up some things. Just make sure you don’t touch anything that the other officers tell you not to touch.” One of the officers said.

“Okay.” I said, and then walked over to my flat to get some things.

                I walked in and the place wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. The furniture was tipped over and moved around and some things were thrown about, but nothing was ruined. I walked into my bedroom and grabbed some clothing and some scrubs for work. I grabbed my purse, keys, shoes and some toiletries like shampoo, conditioner, my toothbrush, all that kind of stuff that I would need for the next couple of days. After about a half hour I had everything packed up and I grabbed my bag and walked out of the flat. I gave the officers a spare key, and then Liam walked me over to his flat and we walked inside.

I.C.U. (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now