Chapter 12

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Cameron’s POV

                I woke up to my alarm going off and so I showered and got ready for work. I would have to deliver the news to some families that their family member wasn’t going to make it, and tell the patient that they weren’t going to make it either. I was a sad job to have, but sometimes it was amazing because people get better, and when you can make it out of ICU that’s pretty amazing.

                I got up and changed into a long sleeve t-shirt and some scrubs. I still had a bandage on my arm, but it wasn’t nearly as bulky as before since my cut was healing pretty well. I grabbed a granola bar and my purse and left my flat.

                I went to the hardware store first to get a new lock for my front door, and then I headed off to work. As I got to work I said a good morning to everyone as usual and grabbed my patient’s folders full of their medical history and other information that has been added due to their conditions while they are here in ICU. I work with the children that sadly have to be in this department of the hospital. I have about eight kids that I watch and take care of while they are in the ICU. They are all so sweet and thankful for the things that we provide for them, and it feels nice to be appreciated somewhere, because that is definitely not a feeling that I receive when I’m at home.

                I did my morning rounds and checked in on everyone and they all seemed to be about the same or doing a bit better since the last time I had seen all of them which is good to say the least. As long as they weren’t getting worse, the children and their families seemed to be happy.

                My lunch break came around and I sped home and changed the locks on my flats front door and replaced my key. I ate lunch at home as well since I was there anyway, and then headed back to the hospital before my break was over, and got back to work.

                At about 3 o’clock I got a phone call as I was walking to my next patient’s room. I checked the number and it was the one that the officer and Zach had used yesterday so I answered it immediately. I picked up the phone and I was so nervous my hand was shaking while I was holding the phone up to my ear.

“Hello?” I asked into the phone.

 “Hello, Cameron this is Officer Lancy, the officer that talked to you yesterday. I’m calling to let you know the results of your boyfriend Zach’s hearing.” He said.

“Okay, what was the final result?” I asked. In my mind I was praying for it to be jail time, and not house arrest because then he couldn’t even leave the flat. And I know what you’re thinking, ‘I thought that you kicked him out yesterday?’ Well I did but I did some research and when someone gets house arrest they have to stay where they are currently residing for the duration of the arrest. Unfortunately for me, that meant that Zach would be staying in my flat for the duration of his arrest.

“The final result was house arrest for 30 days. We are bringing him to the police station right now, and you will have to pick him up as soon as possible.” He told me.

“I’m working until 5 tonight, but I will pick him up as soon as I get off my shift.” I stated.

“Great we will see you soon then Miss Pullman. Have a good rest of your day.”

“You too.” I said and then hung up. I put my phone in my pocket and just sat on the ground in the fetal position. This had to have been the worst possible scenario. I had to deal with Zach for 30 days straight unless I would go out for work or to hang out with my friends. This was going to be the worst 30 days of my life, and there was no escaping them.

                After my shift was over I had to go pick up Zach. I drove down to the police department and walked into a lobby type area where there was a front desk with a police officer. I walked up to it and noticed that it was Officer Lancy because his name was on his badge.

“Hello, I’m here to pick up Zach Brewer.” I told him and he looked up at me and had a shocked expression on his face. I have no idea why though.

“You must be Cameron, it’s nice to finally meet you. Here I’ll go get Zach from the holding cell in the back. You can just sit down for a minute over there.” He said while pointing to a chair in the waiting area.

                I nodded my head and went to go sit down while Officer Lancy went and got Zach. Less than 10 minutes later Zach came walking out with a bracelet like thingy on his ankle. He saw me and scowled, but then covered it up because he knew the Officer was there and he couldn’t get into anymore trouble. He walked over to me and coldly stated, “Let’s go.” So I got up and walked out of the station with him. We got into my car and I drove us back to the flat. Once we got inside the flat is when he started to blow up on me.

“Why the hell didn’t you bail me out?!” He yelled at me.

 “You know I don’t have that kind of money to just use at my disposal. Besides it didn’t change a thing now did it? You’re under house arrest Zach for beating me up in the club. You’re so lucky that I didn’t tell the cops that it was me who you assaulted in the club when they called me yesterday.”I said.

“Like you would have actually gone to the cops, hahahaha. That’s a joke, and we both know it Cameron. Just shut the fuck up and go fetch me a beer from the fridge.” He stated.

“We’re all out of beer Zach. So no, I will not be ‘fetching you a beer’.” I told him, and that was when he started to get pissed. The sad part was that I knew he was going to hit me again, so I made a dash for the bathroom like I have a countless number of times before, and locked the door behind me. I heard Zach pounding on the door yelling at me to open up and I got the feeling of déjà vu. I was shaking and sitting in the bathtub. I had no one to run to, and I had no one to talk to. I was alone and I didn’t know what to do. I wanted to call the police, but I knew that they wouldn’t have any proof of him hurting me, and the fact that we have been together since secondary school didn’t really help my case. I have no idea what to do, but I know for a fact that Zach is never going to leave me alone.

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