Chapter 3

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A/N Picture of Zach on the side.

Cameron’s POV

                Well work today was pretty hectic but fulfilling. I helped deliver 4 babies today and it was literally like bringing a miracle into this world for all of the parents. They were all so happy at that moment, and that made it so much more enjoyable to tell them that they had healthy kids. Eventually though it was 7 o’clock and my shift was over. Tomorrow was Saturday and I had the day off so I was kind of happy that I could relax at home or go out with my friends, but then again I would have to deal with Zach the majority of the day.

                I pulled into the parking lot of my complex and I walked into the front lobby and over to the elevators. I hopped into the elevator and pressed the button with the ‘14’ on it and the doors started to close. I soon felt the elevator start to ascend and finally stop at my floor. The doors opened and I walked over to my flat and went inside to find Zach sitting on the couch watching and yelling at the football (or soccer, if your American) game on the TV screen. I put my jacket in the closet near the front door and I brought my purse with me to the bathroom so I could change the dressings on my arm. Once I was in the bathroom I locked the door behind me so Zach wouldn’t see what I was doing. I took out my first aid kit from my purse and took out the things that I would need to redo the bandages. I took my scrubs and long sleeved shirt off and undid the wrappings. The cut was healing well so I decided to put some more antibiotic cream on it, and put on some new bandages. I pulled my shirt back over my head and put my scrubs back on and flushed the toilet and washed my hands to make it seem like I was actually using the bathroom. I changed into a hoody and some sweatpants, and then walked back out into the kitchen and started to cook some dinner.

                I decided I would prepare some chicken alfredo and I soon got to work cooking and preparing everything. Eventually it was all ready so I made a plate and walked it over to Zach, who was surprisingly sober, and still in front of the TV. He took the plate and started shoveling the food into his mouth. I walked back into the kitchen and sat at the center island and started to eat. The food was good and it warmed me up because I was cold, and I can’t control the thermostat according to Zach. I finished up and started to do the dishes. I went to see if Zach had finished, and he had, so I went to go get his plate. I walked past the TV and picked it up and walked back into the kitchen, but not before Zach could scold me about walking in front of the TV, blocking his view of the game for a half a second.

“Get out of the fucking way, I can’t see the game!” Zach yelled at me.

“Well then you could have handed me your plate.” I stated. He looked up at me, and it was as if I could see the steam coming out of his ears he was so pissed off. I backed up with the plate still in my hand and eventually I was up against the wall between the kitchen and the living room. Zach was standing in front of me and grabbed the plate out of my grasp and threw it at my feet. The plate shattered across the floor cutting up my feet in the process because I wasn’t wearing any socks.

“Now clean that the fuck up!” Zach stated. I bent down to start to pick up the pieces from the plate, and Zach took advantage of that and kicked me in my side, making my body slam into the wall that was still behind me. I didn’t make a noise because I had learned that by doing so I will just make the beating worse for myself. Zach started to continually kick me, and by this point I was in the fetal position again, blocking the blows to my abdomen with my shins. Eventually, the blows stop and I heard Zach walk away. I got up as quickly as I can, without falling over and collapsing, and start to clean up the glass from the broken plate. Once that was done, I went to the bedroom and crawled under the covers and tried to fall asleep, but that didn’t happen. Sure I was exhausted form working all day, but I was awoken by none other than Zach.

“I have friends coming over to watch the next game, now get the fuck up and cook us some damn food!” He screamed in my ear. I started to get up out of the bed, but that wasn’t fast enough for Zach. He grabbed my ponytail and yanked on it forcing me to stand up. He grabbed my arm that had the cut on it, and dragged me out to the kitchen. I whimpered in pain because of the pressure he was putting on the cut causing it to most likely reopen. He heard me and slapped me across the face and threw me into the kitchen and yelled, “Now shut the fuck up and cook, you lazy bitch!”

                I got up off the ground and started to make some salsa and heat up some pizza. I grabbed some tortilla chips and poured them into a bowl and put that on the coffee table with the salsa that I had just made, this time not getting in the way of the TV screen. I walked back into the kitchen and sure enough the pizza was ready so I took it out of the oven and cut it up and served that on a plate as well, and brought it out to the living room. Once that was done I went back into our room and climbed into bed because all of Zach’s friends are assholes like him. They just drink and take advantage of someone else, whether it be their parents or their significant others, for money to buy drugs and alcohol.

                I soon fell asleep once again only to be picked up and literally thrown out of bed by Zach.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing? You should be cleaning up after us!”

“I was sleeping because I’m tired from working a 10 hour shift at the hospital today, and I can clean it up in the morning not at,” I looked at the clock, “4 o’clock in the morning Zach.” I stated.

“I don’t give a shit if you’re tired form working, you have to clean too! Oh, and I’m out of beer so I need money to buy some more.” He states. I roll my eyes and cross my arms over my chest.

“Zach I’m not giving you money to buy more beer” I told him. His face started to turn red and he was clenching his fists so hard that his knuckles were turning white, and it scared the shit out of me to say the least.

“I said, give me the money.” Zach grunted through clenched teeth. I knew he would hit me, but I stood my ground.

“No Zach, buy your own beer, using your own money.”

“I don’t have any money remember, I don’t have a fucking job!” He yelled.

“And whose fault is that Zach?” I yelled back at him.

“It’s not my fault I got fired! Besides, I can’t get a job!” Zach protested.

“Well have you even left this flat to go look for one? Because it has been three years Zach.” I stated.

“Why would you care?!” He yelled at me.

“Because I’m sick of paying for everything  by myself! Like the mortgage for this flat, to all of the things you break in this house. For crying out loud Zach, this is the 6th TV we’ve had in the past year alone!” I yelled back.

“Well if you’re so sick of paying for everything then leave!” He said.

“I’ve been trying to leave for 3 years Zach, but you beat me, or threaten me or one of my loved ones every time.” I state.

“Well I’m not going to stop you if you leave now!” Zach yells at me, but then it hits me. I pay for this flat, not him he should be the one leaving!

“Zach I want you to get out of here. I pay for this flat, not you, so get out!” I yelled at him. He punched me in the eye and I fell down to the ground.

“I’m never leaving this flat, because I live here, and you can’t kick me out.” He states while hovering over my body on the ground. And at that moment I knew I was done. Zach was never going to go away and no one would believe me if I said that he was abusive because we have been together for about 6 years now. I was stuck with Zach and he knew it. Eventually, I closed my eye that wasn’t swollen shut and acted unconscious on the floor until sleep over took me.

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