Chapter 14

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Liam’s POV

“Were you the one that called the police and was banging on the door?” Cameron asked me.

“Yeah, I heard you screaming and crying for help so I ran over and the door was locked and I couldn’t help you, so I called the police. It was the only thing I could think to do.” I told her.

“Thank you…” Cameron said and then hugged me. I hugged her back gently because I knew she was hurt badly this time around. She had on a hoody and some leggings so I couldn’t see the bruises that I’m sure were covering her body, but I knew they were there.

“You’re welcome…” I whispered into her ear. I felt so bad for this girl who has never done anything wrong to deserve this type of a relationship, but unfortunately has to go through all of this.

“What happened that caused him to lash out on you?” I asked her.

“He didn’t like the food I was making, even though I told him I wasn’t done, but he decided to eat it anyway. Then he spit it out and started yelling at me and then started to hurt me and then, yeah… you can sort of guess what happened after that. Could you hear through the walls?” she asked me.

“Yeah, I was watching TV when I heard crashing sounds, and then I heard him yelling and you screaming and crying. I ran outside of my flat and knocked on your door, but no one was answering, and I heard him yelling at you some more, but it was locked so I couldn’t get in. Then I called the police, and they showed up and they broke down your door I guess and helped you. Two officers came and asked me questions about what I heard, and I told them what I’m telling you now. Then they left and then I saw them leaving your flat as well and yeah…” I told her.

“Oh, well did they ask you for a statement, because you didn’t have too. Then there would be a lot of rumors about this because of your band and stuff.” She told me.

“No, I gave them a statement. Just because I’m in a band doesn’t mean I can’t help out.” I told her.

“Well, I just don’t want you to have to deal with more than is necessary.” She said.

“It’s fine Cameron. I want to help you.” I said as I pulled her in for another hug.

“Thank you again. I just hope that he has to serve time now.” She stated.

“Yeah, me too, that way you can have a normal life again.” I told her, and she nodded her head in agreement.

“Yeah, that would be nice. I have to go clean up my flat now though. Thanks again.” She said.

“No problem, I guess I’ll see you around then.” I said.

“Definitely, now that he isn’t stuck here I will probably be home more often.” She said.

“Good.” I told her, and then she turned and went into her flat and I went back inside mine.

                A couple of days later I got a phone call from the officers telling me that they would need me to go to the trial to answer some questions. That way the jury would receive all the evidence they could to put Zach away for a while. I agreed, and then about two weeks later, I arrived in court. I saw Cameron with her lawyer, and so I walked over to say hello. She was surprised to say the least, that I was there, but she thanked me none the less for coming and helping her out.

                When the trial started, Cameron got called to the stand first and was ask a lot of questions about her relationship with Zach, and about what had happened that night. She did a great job replaying for the jury what had happened, and she answered all of the questions clearly and to the best of her ability and understanding.

                Then, it was Zach’s turn. He talked about what had happened, and it was a completely different story than the one Cameron had told. He said that Cameron had slipped in the kitchen while she was doing the dishes and fell on the ground, that’s why she was screaming. His story wasn’t making any sense also because of what he had said that night, didn’t match up with what he was saying right now. One of the lawyers had picked up that Zach had said Cameron had gone grocery shopping, yet now according to Zach, she was doing the dishes in the flat. It all didn’t make sense in the end, and you could tell Zach was furious once he had finished answering the questions.

                Then, it was my turn to tell everyone on the jury what I had heard and done. I told them what I told the police, and then they asked me some questions about if I knew about Cameron’s abusive relationship with Zach. I told them I did, but that Cameron didn’t want me to say anything about it, so I respected her privacy. They also asked me how long I had known Cameron, which was about a month maybe a little more, even though we were living next door to each other for about 6. I told them I hadn’t been home, and was on tour with my band mates up until about a month and a half ago. They finished asking me questions, and then I was done. Then, the jury had to make their decision.

                We all exited the court room and Cameron left to go get food, while Zach was taken with the police. I sat outside the court room and waited for all of us to be called back in. About 20 minutes later Cameron came and sat down next to me offering me a granola bar.

“Here, you want this?” She asked me.

“Sure, thanks.” I told her, taking it and starting to eat it.

“No problem. I really appreciate you doing this Liam. I just hope that the jury saw through his lies and realized what he said was not making any sense.” Cameron admitted.

“I’m sure it’ll be fine. They’d be idiots if they did believe him.” I told her.

“Yeah…” she said. I put my arm around her shoulder. “Cameron, it’s going to be okay no matter what. You can get a restraining order if the jury somehow doesn’t believe your story, which I highly doubt will happen. You’re going to be okay.” I told her.

“Thanks Liam.” She said as she leaned into my side.

                Then after about an hour and a half of waiting the jury had come to a decision. 

I.C.U. (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now