Chapter 2

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A/N That's what Paige looks like in the picture on the side.

Liam’s POV

                The lads and I had just finished our latest tour. We’ve been gone for about 8 months touring the world with our amazing crew and band. I had so much fun, but I was really looking forward to seeing Paige again. I decided to not tell her that we were coming home a week early because I wanted to surprise her. I missed her so much, and I planned on taking our relationship to the next level later tonight by taking her out to eat and proposing to her. I was so nervous but excited at the same time. We’ve been in a relationship for a little over 2 years now, and I really wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. I knew the lads weren’t too fond of her, but they knew I loved her so they never talked about her, at least not to my face.

                When we exited the airport we were lucky that security was with us because the crowd of fans that was mobbing the airport was ridiculous. We love our fans, they are the best and most dedicated fans in the world, but sometimes the situations aren’t safe and we can’t interact with them. It crushes us that we can’t go out and talk, take pictures, and sign things for them. We want to show them how much we appreciate their support, yet it’s too dangerous for us and for them sometimes.

                Eventually though we make it to the car and we all jump in. I’m getting more and more nervous as we approach our complex because that means I get to see Paige, and then I get to propose to her. I haven’t seen her in about 2 months because the last time I saw her in person was when I brought her out to see me when we were in Australia performing, so I really miss her.

                I’m snapped out of my thoughts when the car lurches to a stop outside the complex. The lads and I pile out of the car and grab our luggage and walk into the front lobby. We say hello to the security guard that is on duty and make our way over to the elevators. We all walk into the elevator pressing the buttons to the floors that we live on. The elevator comes to a halt at the 10th floor and Zayn says, “Goodbye” to us and walks off the elevator and down the hallway making his way to his flat. The doors close again and then soon the elevator stops again but this time at the 12th floor and Harry and Louis get off. They live next door to one another, just to let you know, and then the doors close once again. They open once Niall and I reach the 13th floor where Niall gets off and wishes me good luck with Paige which I thank him for, because he’s Irish and let’s face it, I’m going to need all the luck I can get. Finally the elevator reaches my floor, the 14th floor, and I walk off. I walk down the hallway and see that the flat next door to mine and Paige’s is being used again. The flat was for sale when I left for tour, so I’m curious who our neighbor is…

                I turn the door knob to our flat. This is it, the moment I have been waiting for since she left to go home 2 months ago, “Liam you can do this” I tell myself. I push the door open and lug my luggage inside the flat. I look around and the place looks like a bomb went off in here. There’s clothing, garbage, beer bottles and cans everywhere you look, and it reeks of alcohol. I put my luggage down and go over and open a window, trying to air out the odors that the flat has accumulated. I open the blinds to let some of the remaining light from the setting sun in and then walk around the flat to try and see if Paige is home. I quickly glance at the clock above the oven in the kitchen and it says that it’s 6:43 P.M. I walk down the hallway and hear some noise coming from our bedroom. I hear Paige giggling and then abruptly stop and hiss out, “Shit.” I guess she knows that I’m home now.

                I stop walking and freeze in the middle of the hallway. I hear muffled voices in the bedroom and then as I’m about to reach for the doorknob the door flies open and Paige is standing in front of me with pajamas on. She looks at me and her hazel eyes widen and her mouth drops open. I don’t really know what to say to her I’m still shocked that she is standing in front of me. Then suddenly, a guy stumbles out of the room. He looks up at me and freezes, and then runs past me and out the front door slamming it closed behind him. I look back at Paige and she finally talks and says, “What are you doing home so early Liam?”

I.C.U. (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now