Chapter 6

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Liam’s POV

                I had gone furniture shopping earlier, and they said that they could deliver the furniture later today so I decided to head home. I went to reach for the doorknob to open the door when it was pulled open from the other side. I looked up to see who it was, and it turned out to be the guy who was here earlier to supposedly ‘fix our TV’. I raised an eyebrow at the sight of him, and I could tell that he was surprised to see me as well. Then Paige came into the room and started to say, “Zach you need to leave now before Li-, oh hey Liam. What are you doing back here so early?”

“I finished getting our furniture; it’ll be here later today. Did they finish cleaning everything, because I saw all of the ruined furniture out in the hallway?” I asked.

“Uh, yeah they finished about 2 hours ago.” She told me. I nodded my head and continued to ask, “So what is he still doing here?”

“He was helping the cleaning crew out.” She said.

“Okay, but you just said that they finished about 2 hours ago.” I stated.

“Oh, well they didn’t do a really good job so he was just finishing it up.” She stuttered out.

                I knew she was bullshitting this entire story and I was just waiting for her to stop talking at this point, and for this guy, Zach or whatever his name is, to leave. Eventually she stopped talking, I guess she realized that I wasn’t listening to her and told the guy, “Zach you should go. Liam and I need to talk in private.” He nodded his head and ran out the door going towards Cameron’s flat and then running back towards the elevator. He must have been confused or something, I’m not sure what is actually going on right now either.

“Liam, were you even listening to me?” Paige asked me.

“No, because you were obviously lying to me.” I told her.

“I was not lying to you! Do you not trust me?” She started to yell.

“Well you threw a party in my flat that I paid for, and trashed everything. You invited this guy over earlier today to ‘fix our TV’, even though when I asked you a minute before he showed up if you knew what was broken, you didn’t. How does that look Paige?” I asked her.

“I don’t know Liam, because I’m not lying to you!” She was still yelling at me.

“All I wanted to do was come home from tour and relax, spend time with you, and enjoy my break. Now, I’m dealing with all of this.” I said while motioning to the living room surrounding us.

“Well I’m sorry that you’re upset about the party. I didn’t purposefully have it so that people would ruin your furniture Liam.” She stated.

“Oh, and I talked to our neighbor and she said she didn’t even hear you having a party. And I’m pretty sure that based on all of the things ruined in this living room she would have been able to hear it.” I told her. She looked at me with wide eyes and opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out.

“Is that true Paige? Did you not actually have a party?” I asked her.

“I-I-I, no of course that’s not true. Who did you talk to?” She asked.

“Cameron, she lives next door to us. She’s really nice I just met her today.” I said.

“When the hell did you see her?” She started to yell again.

“When I was leaving to go furniture shopping, she was going out as well and we started talking. She lives next door to us Paige; I was bound to see her at some point.” I told her as she sighed.

I.C.U. (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now