Chapter 15

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Cameron’s POV

                I was sitting with Liam outside the court room when they called us all back in to hear the jury’s decision. I was super nervous and just wanted this part to be over with. It felt like I was watching a competition on TV and they create all of this tension and take forever to announce the actual winner. I was scared and just wanted to go home at this point. Then court came into order, and the jury announced their decision.He was guilty.

                I was ecstatic, excited, happy, and crying tears of joy. I had the biggest smile on my face and I felt someone put their arms around me and pull me into their side. I looked up, and it was Liam smiling down at me. I smiled up to him and turned to hug him. He hugged me back and asked, “Cameron, why are you crying, I thought you would be happy?” I laughed.

“I am happy Liam, these are tears of joy. I’m finally free. I can relax now, and not be scared to make a single wrong move when I’m home. I’m finally free.” I said with the biggest smile on my face, which reflected Liam’s.

                He gave me a little squeeze to reassure me that this was all real and that I was done with Zach for good. The jury continued to read the sentence that Zach would have to endure, which was 4 years, which I could live with. If it was any less then, I would have a problem, but that was the average amount of time people spend in prison for assault.

                That night I went home and relaxed. My flat was officially my own and I could change things around to the way I liked it. I decided that I would start to save up for making renovations and different changes to the flat. That way I could make it my own now that Zach wasn’t around to yell at me for doing so.

                The day after he got convicted I brought all of his belongings to his uncle’s house back in Manchester. His uncle was happy that I decided to break it off with Zach because he heard what Zach had done to me. He was hoping that Zach would learn his lesson while being in prison. He took Zach’s stuff and I had Natalie help me bring his truck down as well. I took his keys and removed the ones to my flat and my mailbox and all the other spare keys that I needed back. In the end he only had keys to his truck and his uncle’s house once I handed them over to his uncle.

                After Zach was gone I started to work a bit less at the hospital, but I still did a bit more than the average nurse considering I was still saving up to renovate my flat. When I hung out with Natalie and all of my friends at work, they could tell I was happier now with Zach out of my life. But since the trial, Liam and I have gotten to know each other a lot more. We hang out in each other’s flats a lot of the time when he isn’t away performing and recording music. I’ll invite him over for a nice dinner seeing as though he comes home late from recording and stuff, and he will invite me over to hang out, watch movies, and just enjoy each other’s company. I’ve met all of his band mates and they are all really nice. I hang out with them sometimes if Liam invites me over and they just so happen to be there as well. It’s nice to be able to do things that I want to do and not have someone control my life all the time.

                When my flat was finally being renovated, Liam would let me use his kitchen because that was what was mainly being redone in my flat. I would cook for both of us, which is the main reason why Liam let me use his kitchen in the first place, so he wouldn’t have too. That lasted about six weeks and then my flat was finished, and much to Liam’s dismay, I went back to cooking in my flat. (See side for Cameron’s new flat)

                Over the next couple of months I would do my own thing. I would go out at night with my friends, shop, and I just enjoyed myself for the first time in awhile. I didn’t have to worry about replacing something that Zach broke because he wasn’t there to break anything, it was great. I had even gone on some dates, most of which my friends would set up, but all the guys turned out to be losers who just wanted to get in my pants. How did I know, well they were very “touchy-feely” and they never talked about themselves. They only kept asking me questions. Then when I actually had the chance to ask them something, they turned out to be pretty boring. After a couple of those horrible dates, I told my friends to stop setting me up. It took a lot of convincing, but luckily they stopped.

                I was enjoying being single, and hanging out with my friends, and doing the job I loved. I can say that have never been this happy in my entire life, and this lasted for about a year until I saw it. 

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