Chapter 4

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A/N Picture of Liam's Flat on the side

Liam’s POV

                I woke up to the sound of a vacuum going in the living room. I figured it was the cleaning people that I had called so I just got out of bed and threw a t-shirt on and walked into the kitchen where I find Paige sitting at the counter reading a gossip magazine, and eating a small piece of toast. When she hears me walk in she looks up.

“Liam you’re up early.” Paige stated.

“Uh, the cleaning people woke me up with the vacuum. What do you want to do today?” I ask her as I pour myself some cereal.

“Uh, I was just going to stay here today and relax. I wasn’t planning on going anywhere today. Why do you ask?”

“Well I still wanted to go out to dinner with you. We haven’t gone on a proper date in a while, and I wanted to spend time with you so we could catch up.” I said.

“I don’t really want to go out to eat though Liam. I just want to hang out here today. Can’t we catch up here?” She asked.

“I mean I guess we could, but there is currently a cleaning crew in our living room so I thought that you might want to leave for a little bit. Besides we need to buys some new furniture for the living room since the party that you had broke a few things.”I replied.

“What did it break?”

“Well, we need some new picture frames, new couches, a new TV, and maybe a new rug depending on if the cleaning crew can clean it or not.” I told her.

“Uhhhh… That’s so boring. Do we have to do that today? Can’t you just buy new things online?” she asked me.

“Well I want to see how big everything is. Besides, we need the furniture now because everything is broken, and if we order the furniture online, by the time we get the furniture, it will have taken weeks.” I tell her.

“Well, you can go by yourself. I just want to go shower, and I just remembered I have to call Ginny, she wanted to talk to me about something.” She stated.

“Fine, I’ll go by myself.” I told her. She just nodded her head and continued to read her magazine.

Then I heard someone knocking on our front door. I looked at Paige with a confused expression because I hadn’t invited anyone over, but when I saw the look on her face I knew she was shocked and worried, so I went over to open the door and see who it was. Paige ran after me telling me that, “No, I’ll get it Liam don’t worry about it.” But it was too late; I already had my hand on the knob to open the door. I pulled the door open and was shocked to see that it was the same guy who was here yesterday. He was just as shocked as me I think; because the look on his face when I opened the door was quite the sight.

“Aren’t you the guy that was fixing our shower yesterday?” I asked him. He looked behind me at Paige who was cringing at the scene in front of her.

“Uh yeah.” He told me. The guy had short dirty blond hair that was cut to a buzz cut, like I had at one point, and brown eyes. He was very well built and was about 6’3”. He was big and you could tell that he works out, or that he once did.

“So what brings you over here today?” I asked him. He looked at me and then at Paige and then nodded his head. I rolled my eyes because Paige was obviously telling him to lie to me.

“Uh, I’m here to fix your TV, Paige called me and said it was broken.” He said.

“Oh, well I can assure you that the TV is broken, but you can’t really fix it. Just the screen is cracked I believe.”I said.

“Well Paige asked me to come look at it anyway. I could let you know if anything else is wrong with it that way you know if you need to buy something else for it when you go shopping for a new one.” He told me.

“Okay, I guess. Uh, you can come in, but there are people cleaning right now and getting rid of everything that is broken, so I’m not sure if the TV is even here anymore.” I told him.

                I opened the door to let him walk into our flat and he shuffled into the living room with Paige hot on his tail. I closed the door still confused as to why this guy was over here, and why Paige had asked him to look at our broken TV when there was nothing he could do to fix it. Besides, just a moment ago, she didn’t even know it was broken.

I walked into the living room to find them talking.

“Is there something else that I need to know about to the TV seeing that I’m the one who will be buying the stuff for it, or not?” I asked him. I guess they hadn’t realized that I had walked into the living room because both of their heads snapped towards me when I spoke.

“Uh-h, no-o. The TV just needs to be replaced. You were right when you said that the screen was the only thing that was broken.” He stuttered out.

“Alrighty then, thanks for confirming what I already knew. Did Paige call you here just for that?” I asked him.

“Uh-h, I don’t know. I was planning on-.” He started to answer my question, when Paige cut him off when she told me, “Yes, that is all he was planning on doing when he came here Liam. Now if you want to go get us new furniture I suggest you do it now, that way we can have an actual living room once again.”

“Fine, I will see you later.” I stated and then went to turn around and leave the room to hear them whispering about something else. I walked into or bedroom changed into some jeans and a gray t-shirt. I shoved my feet into my Supra’s and grabbed a hat, my car keys, and wallet. I walked back out to the living room to say, “Bye” to Paige and leave. I found her still whispering to that guy, and so I decided I would just leave them alone and be on my way.

                I walked out the door and as soon as I opened it I saw a girl about my age locking the flat next to mine. I guess she was my new neighbor that I had yet to meet. She was really stunning to be honest. She had ashy blond hair with blond highlights, a slim figure, and a slight tan from the summer that had just recently ended . When she looked up at me I got to see more of her face, but her green eyes really stood out. I heard her gasp when she looked at me. Either she knew who I was, or she was just startled by me. She walked over to the elevator and I followed right behind her. She had pressed the button already so I just waited with her. 

                I decided to start up a conversation with her because the silence was awkward, and I wanted to get to know her. Besides, she would be living next door to me for a while so why not get to know her. She also hasn’t freaked out at the sight of me anyway, so that is a good start. Maybe she would treat me like a normal person or maybe she is just trying to not seem annoying. I’m not sure, but in the end I decided to start up a conversation with her.

I.C.U. (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now