??? - chapter 20

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  Paul's pov

    "I love you Johnny."

  I whispered. Catching his lips in one last kiss before we were interrupted by a knock on our door.
  I pulled away from John, giving him a smile before looking over to the door.

  "Come in!"

  I said, turning back to John. Unable to keep my eyes off of him. Through out John's apology we haven't been able to stay away from each other. Just, I didn't think I would be in his arms to soon. But I'm so glad I am. I never knew I would miss John's arms so quickly.
  John's apology had assisted of, kisses, chocolate, wine, TV and a few more... Intimate thing's. Its been so fun! It has been full of love and ugh!! John never does these these things for me! I know he loves me obviously but he never shows it in these acts.

  "Boys! Time for the photoshoot!"

  Brian said once he had opened the door. I noticed a smile spread across his face once he saw the position we where in. John was on his back and this legs spread slightly while I say on his chest with my hands resting on his cheek and chest.
  John had told me the whole story. Once I had asked him how he managed to set this up on such short notice he had explained that he had gotten Brian in on it and he had canceled the photoshoot for John to do this.
  And getting brain to do that is impressive!

I climbed off of John and smiled at brain before turning and pulling John up by the hand.
  Brain turned to leave to let us get ready and come down the the taxis.

  "I'm sharing with you, right?"

  John asked, referring to the taxi while putting on his thick coat.
  It was raining outside to our dismay so we had to wrap up to stay at least party dry to make life easier to the people at the photo shoot.

  "Yeah yeah. What are we saying to the others? Like I know I've forgiven you but I don't think George will."

  I asked, slinging my bass over my shoulder before quickly getting John's guitar and handing it to him with a soft smile.
  John stood till for a minute, in thought, before answering​.

  "I don't know Paul. Let's just explain when we get there. You can choose what you say luv. Just leave out the more sexual parts. Ok?"

   John eventually said. Putting his guitar over his shoulder, grabbing the note book of lyrics and leaving the hotel room to go to the taxis.
  I followed close behind him.

  "John! Wait up!"

  I said, quickening my pace a bit to catch up with him. John turned and smiled at me, before holding out his hand for me to take. Much like a soppy romance movie.
  I take his hand and begin walking next to him while we make our way to the taxi.
  "Oh I'd never think of leaving you behind."

  John laughed as he held open the hotel door for me. I felt the cold air on my skin as the cold, night wind blew past me. We walked hand in hand to one of the three taxi's. One for Brian and George Martin, one for George and Ringo and one of us.
  I held the door open for John as he climbed in before getting in myself and closing the door.

  "Ready for the concert?"

  I asked, looking over at John. The taxi started moving and I could see the street lamps illuminate his face every time we drove past one.
  He smiled at me once again before taking taking my hand and bringing it up to his mouth. Placing a soft kiss on it.

  "Yeah, I'm ready. I'll bet we'll fucking smash it."

  John answered, grinning. Still the same old John behind the whole romantic evening.
  I laughed and agreed before turning to look out the window.
  The streets whee busy, very busy. Cars and taxi's flew past our Windows as we went at a similar speed down the moter-way​. Which wasn't unusual for the busy town of Manchester at the time.
  "Guys, can you two tone it down? I don't want queers in my car."

  I turned away from the window and pulled my hand away from John's. Instantly missing the warmth coming from it.
  I looked at the driver who was now looking back at us. He looked as if he was in his mid forties and he had a rather pissed expression on his face.

  "Oh, sorry sir I'll st-"

  "Why should we? We're paying you to take us here. We can just get out right now and won't have you pay you at all! Just do your job and nothing more!"

  John cut me off. Obviously not standing for what the diver had said. I just sat in silence. This man could report us to the police! We could be arrested! Though, there's no evidence to prove anything so we would probably be fine but still. The thoughts there. And the stories he could tell to the press could ruin us.

  The driver shifted slightly in his seat. And turned more to look John in the eye. Before opening his mouth to speak.

  And that's when he lost control of the car.

  It all happened so fast. There was flashing lights, horns, yelling and before I knew what was properly going on the car was smashed into somthing. Presumably another car.
  I lifted my head up to see the only thing of my concern. Was John  I was alright. Before I could see though I was forced forwards into the front seat as another object impacted the car. Glass flew from the windows and i felt it piece my skin. And probably John's to. I stayed silent. The shock to much for me to process anything sentences. felt bones crunch in my knees as they where now crushed against the seat in front of me. Pain corced thorough out my body. But I still didn't let out a scream. Niether a whimper.
  I could here yelling from all angles. But I couldn't hear what they where saying. To me there was all just a long beep in my ears blocking out most of it.
  I felt blood dripping down my pale face as I sat, almost emotionless, in my seat. I felt the blood soak into my shirt.  The shirt that still has a wine stain from when John was a bit to clumsy with the wine. The blood I bet covered that memory.
  I did the only thing I could, I reached out my glass covered hand and reached for John's. Interlocking our fingers in the mist of the glass shards and blood as I felt my eyelids droop and droop. I looked to the left one last time and saw one thing and one thing only. John's eyes. John's beautiful eyes.
  Soon, I couldn't see anymore. And for the first time since the first collision. I spoke. I spoke the last thing that would ever leave my mouth. The words that would matter most in my legacy. In my dying breath I whispered.

  "I love you John."

News just in, two members of the Liverpool band "the Beatles" have been pronounced dead due to a large car crash late last night.
The two boys where reportedly boyfriends and where on their way to a Manchester concert.
The boys where found locked hand in hand in the back seat of a taxi. The driver survived with sever inguries and now may face charges or reckless driving and other smaller offences such as speed violations.
The first pronounced dead was bassist Paul McCartney who was found dead at the scene. Lead singer John Lennon however was pronounced dead at the hospital. He's last words being "I love you too Paul" in response to what is said to be Paul McCartneys last words which where "I love you John."

May they rest in piece.

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