home to Liverpool - chapter 10

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Georges pov

"So he just fell asleep?"

Brian asked, confused about the whole situation. I assured him Ringo was fine even though I didn't know for sure, he looked peaceful in his sleep if that was anything to go by.

"Well he was crying but he stopped after a while and just fell asleep."

I explained, trying to make it sound less serious since brain would worry and cancel some of the upcoming recording sessions. And we don't want that.

"Oh, well maybe he can have these next two days to relax fully before getting back to work."

Brian suggests, knowing that with me and John, that most likely won't be the case, we would spend the next two vacant days in bars messing about. But I'd consider that relaxing to be completely honest.

"Are we there yet Brian?"

Paul asks from the back of the van, breaking our conversation. Paul had been napping on and off the entire trip and though it was only for about 10 muinets at a time, it probably felt like quite a while for him.


Brian calls back at Paul, who was sitting right next to John, almost on him and smoking a cig.

The last of the jeorney was uneventful, everyone just did their own thing until we arrived. Ringo slept, Paul smoked and wrote lyrics in his notebook and John annoyed brain by chucking things at him, Mainly paper but he also threw the occasional pen.


Brian announced, getting all three boys attention. We all stood up and got ready to get off, me and John getting off first.

Paul's pov

I make my way to the front of the bus and crouch down next to my sleeping band mate, the others forgot to wake him so I guess it's up to me. Gently, I shake his shoulder to try and pull him from sleep.

"Rigs? Rigs we're here!"

I shake a little harsher as he wouldn't budge. But that didn't seem to help, I shook even harder.


I stopped shaking him once his hands came up to rub his eyes before he opened them. We locked eyes for a second and I smiled at him, we had always gotten along well me and rigs.
Ringo slowly sat and and stretched before looking around and trying to take him his surroundings.

"We're are we?"

He asks, puzzled.


I ancwer excitedly. But Ringo just looked more confused.

" But, but how did I get back in the van?"

He stands up and I step back to give him space to get into the Walk way thing so we can walk off together.

"Well you fell asleep in the toilets so goerge carried you out!"

I say, giggling. Trying to make light of the convocation in case Ringo we're to feel embarrassed about the situation.


Ringo asked, looking for some reason supprised. Why is that a surprise? George and Ringo are best mates, of course George would carry him off! I would of! Everyone would of.

"Of course he would! He's your best friend isn't he?"

I ask stepping off the van, Ringo didn't answer though, not that I expected one. I walked over to George and we started chatting about the lyrics I wrote down in the van, I was talking to George about them because John didn't care for them. I thought they were a hit!

John's pov

I look over from joking with Brian and George Martin to smile at Paul, expecting him to come join the conversation. I wave as he walks over to me but, unexpectedly, he just walked strait past me and started talking to George. What the fuck?

"George! I wrote these lyrics but John said they weren't any good, do you mind looking though them with me?"

I head him ask George. Paul was smiling at George and his eyes were looking directly into his as part of that McCartney charm in an attempt to make George say yes. He didn't need to tempt Harrison though. He'd obviously say yes to get a chance to be with Paul alone.

George and Paul. Alone

That didn't sound right

"Sure Paulie."

George says, smiling at him, taking the notebook from his hands and skimming though the page of lyrics it was open on.
Really, I hadn't really looked at them, nor did I care for them though, Paul usually gets big rushes of inspiration while we're writing which results in the good stuff. I doubt the bus writing would be really good of I'm honest.


Ok so that is the 200 reads one done! Thank you so much by the way! The next chapter will be up Sunday!

Instagram: _jcmd_

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