the bar - chapter 13

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Paul's pov

*Knock knock*

I slipped my hands into my pockets in an attempt to stop the heat escaping my body while I stood on Mimi's doorstep. Getting a completely drenched by the supprising rainy weather. Well, you couldn't exactly say it was surprising as it is Liverpool but i surly wasn't dressed to for the the weather regardless.
Earlier in the studio we, me George and Ringo, had finished recording the song "all my loving", all we needed has John's vocals but we all decided would be a challenge best saved for a later date as John was most likely still pissed.
George made me promise not to go and talk to John tonight, saying it's best I leave him be. But I didn't listen to him. How could I listen to him? I hated fighting with Johnny so why would I leave it?
Anyway, George and John have had this fight at some point in the past day which has left them being cold to each other. I don't know what it is really but I tried to find out by asking George but all the information I got was "it's nothing for you to worry about, paul." Which of course didn't stop me wondering.
I have a feeling it was him walking in on me and John in the bathroom yesterday night. (Is it wierd I've fit 24 hours in a 13 chapter fanfic. Like why?) He said he didn't care this morning at breakfast but after the day we've had I'm questioning the truth in that statement. He wasn't mad at me though, so why John?

I pulled out a cig and lit it, I don't think John's in. Mimi almost definitely won't as she's out playing bingo or whatever she does. So perhaps John is at the bar or simply flat out ignoring me.

I knock just to be sure Incase he hadn't heard the last one. But still, nothing happened.

"John luv. Open the door!"

I say, still no reply.
I turned around and sat down on the door step to finish smoking my cig. Mimi wouldn't be here for a while so there's no point in getting up.
I sat on the cold, wet step until my cig was entirely finished. John definitely wasn't going to ancwer so I guess I should just get out of his way and leave.
I stood up and walked to the garden gate, glancing up at John's bedroom window before I left the property.
I didn't really have a plan on where I was going but one option was sticking out. The bar.
I mean, after all that's happened I think it's fair I finally get to drink my troubles away at the pub. Even if it's a Tuesday evening. In fact, it's best it's a Tuesday because that means I get to drink away my problems in some sort of peace.
I'm not inviting George or Ringo Becuse, though I love their company, I want this evening to myself. Free of all drama. All by myself to drink away the stress of the last few days.

John's pov

"Can we have 'nother mate?"

I ask the bartender. I've been in this pub since around 6, and seeing as it was 11 now, it's pretty safe to say I'm drunk as fuck.
Pete had been in the bar as well. Pete best. I hadn't been so set on talking to him but he just came up to me and started a conversation and as I had, had quite a few drinks by then, I didn't really question it or try and leave.
The whole Conversation had been rather nice. I mean, we didn't discuss the whole kicking him out the band thing so I guess it was going good. We just sat on the bar stools and talked about what's been going on in our lives.

"Any new ladies in your life?"

Pete asked, once the convocation had died down. I didn't make much of it though. I was way to drunk of care about being asked such a personal question by someone I haven't talked to in months.

"Nah, just cynthia and that. There's this like... Guy who's trying to take this bird I rather like though."

I say, downing one of the two shots the bartender put on the table in front on us.
Fuck have these last few days been stressful. Especially with that fucking Harrison. Getting in the way of me and Paul. I wouldn't be half as stressed if he wasn't hanging around with Paul the whole fucking time.

"Ah you know what it's like though. George gets in the way of everythin don't he?"

Pete says, pushing his shot towards me to take instead. I grab it without hesitation and down it. Wincing at the sting it made as it went down.

"Wait? How'd you kno'?"

I asked, not being smart enough to try and hide it. I was to drunk to care really.

"It's obvious John. And I heard Paul earlier. Stood outside Mimi's. said he loves you."

Pete replied. His eyes looked me up and down with what I can only Describe as a hungry, sort of, look. Not that I really questioned it though.

"You know John. Don't you think he's a bit clingy though? Like you miss em now but like will you feel the same way in a few years or will you get pissed him all the time for being so unbelievably clingy?"

Pete asked before I could really process what he had said beforehand. I mean, Paul was a bit clingy I have to admit. But would it ever annoy me? I mean, I love the attention he gives me but it might irritate me in a few years.

"Look, follow me."

Pete said, grabbing my hands and pulling me off my stool and forwards the exit of the pub, with some stumbling due to the large amount of alcohol we've consumed.
I let him pull me, well drag me out the pub and into the side Ally. What the fuck did he want to show me? Pete let go of me and reached his hands into his pockets and pulled out a cig. He held one out for me as well which I took, nodding as a thank you.

"You know John, how do you know Paul's right for you? I doubt you've been with any guys other than Paul so how do you know you don't want a more... Rougher guy?"

Pete asked, stomping out his cig with his boot before looking up at me. The lust in his eyes clearly visible.
Now that he mentions it. How do I know? Maybe I do like Rougher guys rather than my sweet, sort of girly, Macca. Maybe I do.

"Um, I dunno. How would I find out though?"

I ask, stomping out my cig on the floor. And leaning back against the wall.

"I'll show you."

Pete said hungrily before pressing his body against mine on the wall and connected out lips roughly.
It wasn't exactly better than Macca's soft, cute kisses but it wasn't bad either.

Actually. I sort of liked it. Not as much as paul though, definitely. But still, I wanted more and my jeans were getting tighter and tighter.
My hands went out and wrapped them around Pete's back as I deepened the kiss.

Yeah, definitely not bad.

Woop! Thanks for 400 reads!! Here's a... Wierd sort of chapter.

Ig: really.ironic

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